Ch. 32 War's End

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" Nooooo! " Alicia screamed as the power of the False Bringer was drained and the arm was fully crushed, letting all souls trapped in it become free from its tyrannic grasp... " Now that's one debt paid... Now...I will have you pay for what you have done to Wiz... " Y/n said as he summoned the Mirage Yamato as Alicia rose up and summoned the shadowy armor.

" Are you gonna take my life then?! Do it, if you really want to kill your own childhood friend! "

" You are nothing but a shadow of what I know about her. The real Alicia won't harm anyone who is innocent albeit her being a hotheaded person.

Now, as payment for hurting Wiz... I'll take something precious to you again. "

Y/n answered as Alicia summoned her shadowy sword and swung her sword blindly in full strength with her left arm. Y/n then dodged and sliced the chest part of her armor clearly with the katana, making her bleed in her chest from the wound. " Damn it... Don't get cocky you little shit! " Alicia shouted as she bullrush charged towards Y/n who then went into Iaido stance and waited for a deadly swing to come at him.

A shattering of glass could be heard as the remains of the shadowy blade were turned into shards with one focused strike. He then slipped past and went behind Alicia, grabbing her by the neck. " I am taking that power Urizen gave you... " Y/n said as he started to use Drain Touch, taking any traces of Urizen's power to himself.

" Stop! Stop! Please! I am nothing without my power! "

" Then you aren't worthy of it. Besides... I am setting you free. " Y/n answered back as he fully drained the power Urizen gave Alicia. The dark goo/the markings Nightmare gave him due to using Drain Touch to borrow the familiar's power then faded out, as if to eliminate any curse and mind control spell that was cast upon the power given onto her.

" Now say hi to the Duke of Hell for me why don't you? " Y/n told Alicia as a pillar of bright light surrounded her, making her disappear out of Y/n's sight as the pillar of light started to dissipate.

A moment of silence then occurred, it was over... Every conflict on that town was done for...until he felt his arm changing form. His right arm became more demonic than his Devil Trigger. Darkness took over it as he screamed in pain in became demonic in shape and form, almost becoming similar to Urizen's appearance...

' Damn it... I knew the risk I am gonna pay is gonna be high... I-it hurts...Everything hurts so much... My mind feels like being tortured and impaled by a thousand spears... Someone....



Those were his last words as he lost consciousness, only to hear the revving of a motorcycle. It was Dante who emerged victorious and alongside her was Trish who was fully conscious. " Oh look at ya, you really are all messed up. " Dante said as he got off Cavaliere and carried Y/n.

" Don't worry, I'll patch ya up. Hang on kiddo, you and my brother have a LOT to live for. Well, mostly you. "

Dante told these words calmly as he went on to carry Y/n to a safe place.

Outskirts of Arcanretia

Water Sources

Lightning flashed as thunder crackled as the two Malphas mages were being electrified and tortured by Wiz. Overall, everything became a one sided fight as the clones Malphas made to split herself in three were weak alone, not to mention Wiz had drained one of the split clones.

She had made sure none of the power that the first Malphas clone she killed would transfer to the other two. " Urizen... Urizen will have your head once he finds out your insolence you lich! " Malphas shouted as Wiz froze and shattered the second split. " I could care less... Although I could show you a fate worse than death if you want. " Wiz threatened Malphas as green surrounded Wiz's hand. " Your soul might not be whole, but it will suffice. As the Incompetent Thunder God said, ' There are fates worse than death. ' " the lich added as she started to drain a portion of Malphas' soul...

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