Big Brother President is a Vampire 14

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Because of the heavy workload in Bai Chen school, they have a late winter break. Generally speaking, this winter break is only half a month.

A few days after the holiday, it will be the first day of the new year.

The Zhan's New Year is very traditional. On every New Year's Day, the main and side branches of the Zhan will return to the old house to celebrate New Year together. This year is of course no exception.

But even if they has to go back for the New Year, Rong Shiyi is still very keen on purchasing things for the Chinese New Year. Every day she will take Bai Chen to go shopping in the mall outside, she also brought all kinds of red and festive clothing for Bai Chen.

It was the third day of the new year when they came back from the old house after the New Year. Many people came to visit the house one after another.

On the fifth day, an unexpected visitor comes to the house.

In the morning, Bai Chen put on the bright red hooded down jacket under Rong Shiyi's suggestion. The bright red makes Bai Chen's already fair face even more smooth and tender. He looks just like a little fairy, fresh and delicious. Rong Shiyi's eyes light up.

In a few days, Bai Chen will start school again. Rong Shiyi was afraid that Bai Chen's studies would be too much that he won't have time to go out so she made Zhan Cheng take over Zhan Yucheng's business and make Zhan Yucheng take Bai Chen out to play. As a result, their car has just driven out of the villa gate when they were stopped.

"Hello, I am Ye Ping, the head of the National Exorcist Association. This time I made a special trip to visit Mr. Zhan. I also hope that Mr. Zhan can take some time to talk." Outside the window, a man in his forties, wearing a long trench coat, said.

Obviously the man's voice is not loud and the sound insulation of the car is also very good, it stands to reason that Bai Chen and Zhan Yucheng should not be able to hear the man's words in the car, but the man's voice was clearly transmitted into the car.

Bai Chen frowned, displeased.

Not only because the trip with Zhan Yucheng was interrupted but also because the National Exorcist Association represents trouble for them now.

Although Ye Ping looked very polite, his attitude was forceful, and behind him stood the country. This discussion is also made in the name of the country, so if Zhan Yucheng doesn't want to be troubled by them, he could only accept this discussion.

Rong Shiyi was surprised to see Bai Chen and Zhan Yucheng came back. She was about to ask why, then she saw Ye Ping following behind the two of them.

Ye Ping had already investigated the Zhan family, so he naturally knew the identity of Rong Shiyi. He greeted Rong Shiyi in a friendly manner, then gave her a make up reason for the visit.

In the study room, Ye Ping looked at Bai Chen, who was sitting beside Zhan Yucheng, hesitated and didn't speak.

Zhan Yucheng was in a bad mood so his tone was also very cold, "Mr. Ye, I don't have much time."

Ye Ping frowned. Helooked at the unmoved Bai Chen and Zhan Yucheng. Finally, he sighed in his heart.

He opened his mouth and said: "Mr. Zhan, this Ye came this time for the peaceful coexistence of humans and the vampires."

Zhan Yucheng looked as if he was listening.

"Mr. Zhan should probably be aware of the current situation between humans and the vampires. The vampires and the human strength are equal, just right for mutual suppression. It is precisely because of the stable balance between the humans and vampires that the two sides can get along well now."

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