Chapter 1

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In the planet of Arsilon,
City of Athenz, modern day at Historical Arts and Museum. 

A young man is reading the history of Ertiswer city from The Book of Arsilon.

“...Then a sudden wave occured that gave rise to the darkness bounded by the mortal realm. The then heroes Wade Dorian, Shahil Abrakis, Luna Hestoria and Zedora Rai Lin fought them.....”

He was deeply focused on the reading that he did not hear someone calling him.

“We are closing Mister. Come tomorrow!” The manager of the museum said. But they young man paid no heed to him.

He went ahead to force him out of the museum.

“Kids these days don't pay attention to what the elders are saying.” He grumbled.

He went ahead and immediately snatched the book from him. The young man was taken aback by surprise.

“What are you doing!?” He questioned.

“We are closing, come tomorrow.” The manager said.

The young man grumbled but he did what the manager said.

Once out of the museum, he went on his way back to home.

“The life of heroes of ancient times were so awesome! They get to fight villains and monsters of other realms. I wish I could live on the ancient times.” He wished.

Suddenly, a bright light filled the night sky. He was amazed by the sight.

“A shooting star! I need to make a wish.” He thought.

“I wish for a life of adventure and mystery.” He wished at the shooting star.

The star fell on a nearby area. The man was amazed and curious to finally see a meteorite in real life.

He immediately went on the site but cops and military personnel arrived there as well.

Hiding from them, he sneaked inside the forest and found a big crater the size of a football stadium.

He ran and jumped inside the crater. In the middle was a cubic shaped object. It was colourless and inside of it contains an energy stone of red color.

“Hey! What are you doing here?” One of the police officer shouted.

Afraid of them he accidentally dropped the cube and ran to get out of the crater. But the cube broke like a piece of glass after falling from his hands.

Once it got free from the shackles of the cube, the red stone burst out an energy force and the young man was hit with it.

He was knocked out by the force. When he woke up he found himself standing on an unfamiliar world.

He saw up and found three moons on the sky. The plants, trees and flowers were completely different from what he used to know.


A loud noise echoed somewhere and he saw an advanced alien being on the planet devouring it.

“That's what your planet will turn into if you don't get rid of the teraforce.” A voice spoke to him.

“Ah! Who are you?” He asked it.

“Just know this you've a limited time before your planet is doom.” It said. And he woke up from the strange dream.

“What? Whe--?” He notices his surroundings carefully and finds himself locked up in a room.

“Hello! Is anyone here?” He shouts out. But no reply came back.

“Where am I?” He pondered the question.

Recalling after sometime that he was hit by a powerful energy force.

*static sounds*

Ah. Welcome Mr.... Slyff Cherim. I hope you are okay.”

“Where am I and who are you?”

“You're at a highly established prison cell.”

“What!? Why--”

“I understand what you want to say. You're here because the unspecific cube you were holding released a strange signal on the outer space. And for your information, it was filled with a dangerous element.”


“We have kept you here to observe your health and also as a safety protocol so that it doesn't infect others.”

“Then when will I be released?”

“Depending on the health of yours and after making sure it doesn't infect others. I would say atleast seven months.”

“Seven Months! I can't wait here for seven months. I have to do so much. I don't think I'm feeling anything weird.”

“That's because you have been here for  only 15 minutes. Usually to gather data of one's health we need atleast 8 hours. I hope you obliged with us. This is for the wellbeing of everyone.”

“Fine. I'll stay here for a week. Cause I don't want to--” He stopped immediately as his surroundings changed and he saw himself running away from the authority.

On the distance, he heard the voice yelling at him and ordering his guards to shoot him on sight!

Just when he thought of running, he came back to his senses and found himself back to the room he was trapped in.

“Excuse Me, Sir. Are you listening to me? Hello?”

{“What was that? Was that some kind of precognition?”} Slyff thought.

“Hello? Guards go to room 476 and make sure he's alive.”

“Wait! Wait! I am alive. I was just thinking about what you said. I will stay here for only a week.”


“I'm sorry but you need to stay imprisoned here for atleast seven months. I hope you understand it.”

“Fine.” Slyff replied.

“Thank you for your cooperation. We will contact you soon.”


The machine beeped and Slyff, the young man was now trapped in a facility of which he has no clue at all.

His mind started wandering back on what just he saw moments ago. Is it a hallucination or a future outcome?

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