Chapter 2

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Slyff's PoV

It's been a week now but the authority has not contacted me at all. They use a drone to parcel food package to me.

I don't hear any voices other than myself. The outside of the room is a long corridor hall filled with a white paint and there are no doors anywhere. Atleast from my room that's all I have known.

They sent me a rubik's cube to keep myself engaged in some form of exercise. There is a toilet room attached and new set of clothes are given to me but they are just basic clothes with minimal designs.

They are taking care of me. But the more I stay here the more I feel like I'm losing my mind. There is this strange dream that if I don't destroy the teraforce. My planet will be doomed.

I even felt the dreams to be very much real. I can touch the objects in my dreams and feel it. It's so vivid that the reality and dreams are thinning.

I cannot put a barrier or distinguish between them. Maybe I am driving into insanity or a new sense of reality has opened up to me?

Can't say anything for sure. Haha. I'm freaking frustrated from being imprisoned.

{“Then why are you not escaping? You have the powers to escape.”}

No I can't. I do not intend to harm anyone. Maybe being here is far more beneficial than going out on a rampage.

{“You do know that if you don't escape. The whole planet is on the way to doom. You have the means and powers to stop them.”}

Haha. Haha. Hahahaha. What am I even thinking? I. I. I am not worthy. I can feel my mind losing and who am I even talking to?

{“You are talking to me. The one who chose you.”}


{“Oh but I am very real. You don't know how long I've waited for you to be my chosen hero. Just follow what I am saying. And you will know that you're not insane.”}

As if. Still I. I. I....

{“Just accept you want to be freed.”}

I do want freedom. Let me out! Let me out! Let me out of here!

I shouted and felt a high energy force emitting inside me ready to break free from the shackles I've put.

Within moments it got out and destroyed half of the hall, breaking up the metal door in the process.

Feeling this new powers at the palm of my hand. I became confident. I started running towards the end of the hall but alarms started to buzz around.

Trying to find an exit door, I came across a group of military force.

“Stop! And don't try to run or we will shoot you dead.” The head of the military said.

{“Don't listen to him. You are capable of escaping this prison. Just focus on your strength.”}

“Leave me alone. Let me go away from here. You don't own me. So let me leave.” I said.

“Stop speaking and get down on your knees.”

My vision blurred again and I saw myself being attacked by multiple bullet shots. But using my new found powers I repelled the bullets.

Suddenly the vision passed away and I'm back to where I was initially.

“I won't bow down!” I shouted and dashed at them. They immediately opened fire at me and as I saw in my vision. I was able to repel the bullets against me and instead threw it back at them.

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