Chapter 10

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Slyff's PoV

I was surprised to see Aiden fighting and brutally assaulting people.

"What should we do now?" I asked. "Why has he gone berserk?"

"I can't feel his presence anymore. I am sensing a powerful aura." Parch said. "He. . . He. . . He is not there!"

"What do you mean to say?" I asked.

"Someone is manipulating his body and is causing riots. But why?" Parch said.

"Slyff I am granting you my powers temporarily. Stop him." Parch said and immediately an energy force was absorbed by me.

"You are now the champion 'Sevlyin'. Here take this." Parch handed me a green ring.

"Now what's this?" I asked.

"Wear it and say this, 'From a wanderer's journey to the power of responsibilities. I acquire the ability of a Sevlyin.' Now."

I did as he said and after speaking those words. A bright green light surrounded me and when I opened up my eyes. I found myself in this green suit with a burst of energy in my body.

The mask and the suit resembled almost like Aiden's however the colour difference and the symbol in the chest were different

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The mask and the suit resembled almost like Aiden's however the colour difference and the symbol in the chest were different.

"Now. Don't just stand there. Go!" Parch said.

I jumped down from the roof and glided towards Aiden. Landing perfectly on a close distance. He was beating a young lad.

"Stop right there, Aiden." I said. He punched the young man one last time and threw him away.

Giving me a dead glare, he rushed in without any words and both of us engaged in close combat.

We punched each other as I tried to stop him. His fighting movements has improved drastically. Aiden's fist became stronger than before and he was using boxing techniques to hit me.

Even defending myself was not an easy task. His punches were getting more brutal and dangerous. And as expected, his fist finally landed on my chin.

The force sent me tumbling down on the road. It reminisced me of the time I fought him and now the same is happening to me.

I got up as my head started feeling a little bit dizzy. But before I can regain my senses, Aiden jumped at me from a great height and landed a twisting kick on my head.

A normal person at this point would have been dead. Their fragile bones would have crumbled to pieces. But thanks to the suit and my quick reflexes I held his leg and threw him on the ground!

"Enough!" I shouted and landed a punch after another. The ground was shaking badly at this point. I thought I am going to far again and so I got up.

But as soon as I did that he immediately threw his sharp circular blade and slashed my right thigh.

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