Chapter 3

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In the city of Albazar, the modern yet traditionally rich place is filled with a variety of business people, trade agents, innovators, entrepreneurs, market management groups and companies etc.

Among them was a young guy around the age of 25. He was wearing a black jacket; inside a patterned shirt for his upper top and for the bottom, a black long trouser. He stands at 5'6" and is carrying a long list of documents on his hands.

"Excuse Me! Give me some space." He said. As he tried to escape the crowded street road.

He bumped into some of the passerby and one of them yelled at him. "Look where you are going, you moron!"

"I'm sorry." He said and quickly crossed the road; arriving at an office and heading straight to the reception desk.

"Excuse me?" He said.

"Yes?" She asked.

"I was ordered to bring this to Anthony Vulam." He showed the receptionist the documents on his hands.

"It's very urgent. Can you please tell me where he is?"

"I'm sorry but he is already in the meeting and right now no one is allowed to meet him." She replied.

"But. I was send this documents. He would be needing it. If possible just send this documents to him." He requested.

"That could be done." She immediately dials someone and soon after a while, a woman arrives at the desk.

"Where is he?" She demanded the receptionist. To which she pinpoints behind her, where he is sitting on a bench.


The woman closes the door behind her.

"You were late." The woman said.

"I'm sorry, Mrs. Geoff. I was on my way when I missed my bus and it took me a while to get a cab."

"That's not my problem! You should have been more diligent in your work." Mrs. Geoff said. "And that lame excuse of missing the bus is getting old."

"The CEO of the company Mr. Rourke needed that file urgently during the business meeting. And the anger that I've to go through for being his assistant. It all bothers me due to one person's mistake!"

"I'm extremely sorry for the mix up. It won't happen again." He said.

"Mr. Aiden Tom Walfer. You better get yourself working diligently or else...we will make sure to find a far more suitable employee for this job." She said. "Now get out of my office!"

Aiden, the employee leaves his superior's office disappointed and feeling like a loser.

He goes to his desk to complete the task he has been assigned yesterday. When suddenly he is greeted by his rival, Derren Rolar, who is also the star celebrity of the office. He stands taller than Aiden. His coworkers and colleagues thinks highly of him and Mrs. Geoff likes his work.

"Ah isn't it the most worst employee of the company, Aiden Tom?" Derren taunts him.

"I'm not in the mood to talk." He said.

"Of course you won't be after having a nice chat with Mrs. Geoff. And I'm even sensing that you don't have a future ahead in this company. Hope you can see it too." Derren said and left from there.

Aiden reminiscent silently at his recent failures in his job and is questioning about his future at the company.


Later after working hours for his office Aiden came back home. He opened his apartment's crappy door and lit the room. The room was completely messy and a bill for the electricity was on the floor.

He put off his office bag and kept it on the table before bowing down to pick up the bill paper. He read the contents and the bill stands at an amount of Ven-35 which amounts to 2,000.

He sighs and puts it on his table.

"I came here with hopes to establish myself and now I'm here stuck at a workplace I do not feel like I belong." He said.

He walks on to the balcony and stares at the glowing lights of the city. The night sky is clear and billions of stars are shining brightly. Among all the stars only one was shining the brightest.

"The only solace I find is in the nature. I wish to be a bright star among the millions just like the star glowing brightly." He wished. But suddenly, the star was becoming brighter by the seconds and soon he realised it was not just any star but a meteorite burning up on the atmosphere.

It break apart and it's pieces shattered miles away. One of the piece hit a nearby park. Not far from Aiden's apartment.

He quickly head out of his room; and ran into the direction of the park. After running as quickly as possible, he arrived at the park. He was surprised to see it. Before him a giant rock the size of a car was fizzing out smokes from its sides.

He decided not to touch it fearing that it might be dangerous and stayed away from it. But then he saw a vision out of nowhere and finds himself on a dying planet.

"Hello? Is anyone here?" He shouted.

Suddenly, a silhouette appeared in the distance and took up the shape of a celestial being.

"Hello Aiden. I am Parch, the celestial who is here to help you and your planet." It said.

"What are you and where am I?"

"You're in Albazar at this moment. However, what you are seeing is a vision of the upcoming doom that has been laid out by one of our own." Parch said.

"I am not getting it. Why is this happening?" Suddenly Aiden passes out and the vision disintegrates leaving him in the park.

The rock crumbles and an advanced technology with an otherworldly golden colour is glowing.


Meanwhile away from the city of Albazar at the city of Athenz....

In a resident apartment,

Slyff was staring up at the night sky and the voice in his head spoke to him.

{"They have come for us."}

"Let them come. I won't tolerate them. Whoever thinks of my planet's doom. I will wipe them out." He said and broke a person's hand.

His surrounding was covered by the lifeless body of the agents who came to take him down. And his hands was covered in bloods .


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