Chapter 5

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Slyff's POV

I grabbed the red gem in my hands and made my way into the side alleys.

"Stop! Or we will shoot you." A cop shouted behind me. He was grabbing his pistol and even fired some shots, but missed.

However I did not stopped and continued my way to the busy streets. Jumping and performing acrobats across the walls and buildings. Evading the people and making sure not to hurt any innocent.

"He's damn fast!" The cop yelled angrily.

{They are seriously not giving up. Is there any plan to escape from them?}

"Yeah there is!" I said and quickly climbed onto a rooftop of a nearby building.

Running across the platforms one after another I evaded the clothes hanging around to dry on the ropes.

Once I made sure they are left behind and are not chasing me; I decided to use my powers.

"You told me I've a lot of superpowers right?"


"Can I fly?"

{Oh you can. Just you need to focus a lot more than what you've been capable off.}

"Fine. Let's try it."

I tried to power up my hands to push me away from the ground as high as I could and it worked but just when I thought of being able to fly. My powers suddenly misfired and I fell into the rooftop block. Falling below it and putting a hole in the concrete ceiling.

The residents saw me and cried for help. I got up and to my surprise, the wounds I received healed up in an instant.

{That fall is going to make you famous.}

"What? How come?"

{First of all get out of here. There are CCTVs on the hall and second you need to break free of the red gem, only then I will be able to help you.}

"Okay." I said and covering my face with a red bandana, dashed forward to escape. However, the manager and the guards arrived before me and I turned around to try another route.

"Hey! Stop!" The guard shouted as he ran after me.

{We just brought a new tail behind us.}

I ignored the voice inside my head and saw a glass window before me at the end of the hall.

"It's time to fly ahead!" I shouted and leaped forth, breaking the glass. Tiny glass particles along with the huge sharp glass fell down on the floor, as the busy streets noticed the commotion. Everything felt to me moving slowly as the people gasped.

I pulled out my hands and thrusted high energy force onto the ground, and propelled myself away in mid-air. Balancing the powers in all parts of my body, I finally flew away with the new found powers of 'flight'.

"What the fish!?" A man shouted!

"Mommy look a superhero!" A young boy gleamed with excitement. Everyone started gasping and wondering about me.

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