Chapter 7

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It was already late night. Lightning and thunder fill the sky. Soon after heavy rainfall started to pour down.

A hoodie guy broke into a museum and started searching for something.

"It must be here. I put it here." He said.

Looking around and inspecting each and every area to find the precious thing, he comes across the book.

"There! Finally." He grabbed the book and opened it.

"The book of Arsilon, page 38 para 6." He flipped the pages and came across something that made him smile.

"So this was what it was all about. Parch you made a perfect thing to bound me. But truth remains the truth." He said.

Tearing that page he gets out of the museum only to find he has been surrounded by cops all around.

"Liam it's time you surrender!" An officer said.

His police members aimed at Liam/Slyff.

"Officer if you think you can stop me then go ahead!" He said and started running away.

The cops immediately opened up fire and he was shot with multiple firearms each of them tearing his muscle down.

". . . And that's how it ends. . ." He said as his body poured out bloods, covering him in a dark maroon liquid.


Three Days Ago

Liam was bruised up badly and he could not tolerate it more. His inmates was bullying him and Slyff Cherim was one of them.

"I hate this!" Liam shouted.

A fist quickly hit his jaw and Liam almost lost consciousness.

"I hate you too, you puny psychopath!" Slyff said. He grabbed his hair and started punching him at his face.

("If I had my powers I could have brought this whole down with a single strike! Damn what actually happened? Am I really living in a nightmare or is this all real?") Liam thought.

After a while, they left him alone on the floor. He lost his consciousness.

The guard saw him and immediately called the paramedics. They checked up on him and concluded that he was brutally tortured.

Giving him some medications, they told the guard that Liam needs to take some rest.

He returned back and told his senior about it. The senior officer and the other guards arrived at the inmates cell. He opened the door and got in.

"So you were the ones who brutally beat Liam?" The Officer asked.

"Yes? So what?" Slyff said.

"You've got the guts but I don't tolerate such violence in my sight. Since I've been assigned here. I guess I need to beat some sense into you!" He said and closed the door before ordering the guards to remain outside.

The sound of pain, fighting, breaking of objects all of it were coming out from the cell. The guards were worried for their senior but they did not dared to defy him.

After a few minutes later, the door opened up and to their surprise, Slyff and the rest of the inmates were all down! The senior officer got out of the cell without a single scratch.

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