Chapter 12

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Slyff's PoV

I left Albaazar and headed to the capital of Ghera, the Uliwalt town.

It is the same town where Ethysien Kingdom was before it got into ruins and that was atleast 5000 years ago. The place now is not so modernistic rather a traditional and that too a very good one.

I came here not to explore or dig out more secrets but rather to have a job as a history professor in the central university.

I already came with all my documents and luggage. I will begin my new life here.

After getting out of the metro station in Ghera. I took a cab and finally arrived at my new apartment. After paying for the month I got into my rent house.

I contacted the central university and asked for the teaching position in history. The ad they published showed atleast 2 vacancies open. One is english and another is history.

They told me to come tomorrow for the interview and I agreed.

It's finally a new start without any more killings of innocent souls or going into a crazy state. I wish for the best now.


After having my breakfast and preparing all the documents, I left for my interview. But upon arriving there, I was surprised to witness atleast 36 candidates applying for the two vacancies.

I fill up the form and waited in the waiting room. One by one the candidates were called and each of them came back with either a worried look or a disappointed one. Finally they called me and I went to the interview room.

There was the principal, the vice-principal and the education committee leader Mr. Jasim Tawar.

"So. Your name is Mr. Slyff Cherim." The vice-principal said.

"Yes sir."

Mr. Jasim Tawar was handling my files with the principal and they were both reading my resume.

"Your resume is strong. You also have a phD in archaeology. Also you worked for the archeological sites in different historical places." The principal said.

"I'm curious to know why you left it and came after our university to apply for a history professor?" Mr. Jasim asked.

"It was a great experience for me to explore the places which a lot of people only hopes to go. I was following my passion and I really enjoyed it but I realised one important thing on my journey. With me the knowledge I acquired after so much of difficulties will one day be lost forever, but if I could impart it to another person a bright future for everyone will open up."


I got out of the interview room after 15 minutes and waited for the result. I'm worried about whether I will have it or not.

"Are you worried?" A gentle female voice asked me.

I looked up and saw her. At that time I did not knew that we would have a lot of things going around in the future.

She smiled brightly at me. Her face was angelic and her brunette long hair glowed in the sunlight passing through the glass window.

"My name is Rhena Sally." She said.

"I am Slyff Cherim." I introduced myself and before I realised we both were talking with each other so openly that one might think of us being friends for a long time.

"I am here for english professor and you?" She asked.

"I am here for history professor." I said.

"Then I am glad we are not rivals and if fate is on our side. We both might get it." She said.

We talked and laughed and we became friends the very moment.


Later, the results were out and both of us got the vacancy we were looking for. Rhena got to be the english professor while I became the history professor.

We were informed to come to classes from tomorrow at 9 am sharp. After which both Rhena and I walked out of the university together.

Things might change now for the best and I am all for it. I am going to make the best use of it and live the peaceful life I wished for.


Aiden and Slyff both looks up simultaneously at the sky and smiles with optimism.

The End.

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