Chapter 4

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The next morning, Aiden woke up and found himself on his apartment's bed.

"Was all of that a dream?" He questioned himself and after pondering about it a little bit more. He laughed it off as a silly nightmare.

He got up from his bed and headed to his balcony. Whereby he finds everything normal and the busy streets make him believe that it was all a dream.

Suddenly, his phone chimes with notifications. He checks it and Mrs. Geoff is asking about the given tasks.

"Oh no that's not good." He quickly takes shower and after dressing up takes his bag and ID with him.

Closing his apartment door, he heads out only to miss his bus once again! But this time he managed to find a cab and arrived right on time.

He quickly verifies his ID on the reception and heads straight for his desk.

"I'm not gonna disappoint you today!" Aiden quickly runs his computer and completes the remaining tasks, he had.

His coworkers were surprised to find him working early on. Derren noticed him as well but decides not to interfere. He is called upon on a discuss meeting.

After working for a few hours, he feels slightly dizzy and passes out. Waking a few moments later, he finds himself on an ancient town.

People were busy with their day to day work and children were happily playing around.

Aiden smiles when the children plays with joy.

"That's how it was..."

At the sound, Aiden quickly became cautious.

"Wait! Who's that?" He asked turning around.

"We already introduced. I am Parch Seveky, the guardian of this universe. And a celestial by nature." Parch, the celestial said.

"Wait a second... Are you the ancient being who fought alongside Sabrim?"

"Yes. I am." Parch said.

"But why can't I see you?" He asked.

"That's because I am invisible around you." Parch said. "Before you go on asking about me. I want you to know that I've chosen you as my warrior and the next champion after 35,000 years."

"What do you mean by me being a champion? And for what reason are you choosing me as a warrior?" Aiden asked.

"Your planet is once again on the verge of doom. This time by the hands of your own kind." Parch said.

"Our kind?" He questioned.

"Yes. One of the exiled celestial Tarshim has made his comeback but with the intention of destroying your planet in the hands of a mere mortal." Parch explained. "He is trying to destroy the Teraforce, which will immediately wipe out not your planet but some other parts of the cosmos."

"But why is he doing that?"

"Because another destructive force is rising up. And to stop it Tarshim is trying to destroy the Teraforce as it will obliterate it." Parch said.

"But if there is no world to save if Teraforce is destroyed then it will all be meaningless. Isn't it?" Aiden asked.

"Yes and if you don't let Teraforce to be destroyed then the destructive force would pose a huge problem in the future. But a hope to survive remains." Parch said.

"Are you then willing to join me in order to stop him?" He asked.

"What happens to me if I become a warrior?" Aiden asked.

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