Chapter 11

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Aiden's PoV

Both me and Slyff arrived on the same rooftop where Parch and he came in.

I told him what happened to me, about Tarshim in my dream state, Barkust and an unseen celestial who might have killed Tarshim as well.

"I don't know if I should be happy or be serious of what this might mean for the future." Slyff said. He looked upon at the horizon. The sun is setting in and very soon night will take over the sky.

"I am having an intuition that something vicious is looming on the horizon and very soon we might have to deal with it." I said.

Slyff nod at my words. Suddenly the ring started pulsating on his hands and the green suit started fading away.

"Looks like my powers are leaving me once again." Slyff said. "The ring was given to me by him. If he is no more then so are those powers."

Just as he returned to his former self. I noticed my suit fading away as well. I soon noticed that I am wearing a wrist bracelet, with a white gem embedded in it.

"So is this the source of my transformation?" I said. Slyff looked at it and nod, "It might be."

Soon the powers I had, left me and I returned back to my former self.

"Alright. We are now on our own. What are you planning to do now?" I asked him.

"I just want to stay far away from this crazy environment. Just a few weeks ago, I was this archaeology enthusiast who wanted to explore the hidden world. But now look at where it has brought me. I will get away from here and just live a peaceful life." He said with a serious expression.

I understand him. Even I never wanted such chaos and mess.

"I guess it's time we part ways now." Slyff said. He forwarded his hands to me.

I handshake him and said, "Hope you have a peaceful life from now on."

He then parted ways. I stood there for a while and witnessed the sunset. The sun filled the sky with it's final light before the night took over.


After a few days, everything was back to it's normal state. I was focusing more on my office work. I never heard from Slyff again but I wish for him to find peace. On my side, the salary has increased for me due to my hard work and Mrs. Geoff was also slightly happy that I'm finally putting effort in the tasks I am given.

I maintained a good relation with my co-workers, even Derren was not mocking me everytime we met. We are still not friends but atleast more or less like a frenemy.

I paid my electricity bills, sent my parents the money they needed and so far all good. The only question that still haunts me is. . . What will happen next?

I am sure that this happiness is a short one and tomorrow might be the day I might wake up from this sweet dream into a nightmare. But in life every short thing holds a lot of importance. And I'm gonna stick to it till the end.


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