Chapter 8

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Aiden's PoV

I felt immense pain after trying to go against Slyff. He brutally wounded me and as my breath became heavier, I felt into a deep slumber.

Little by little the pain started to fade away. I started to lose the ability to think but just as I started to feel tranquility in my heart. I was snatched away from that state in an instant!

My eyes suddenly opened up and I found Parch healing me with his staff.

"Parch?" I said. He turned to look at me.

"You're finally awake." He said.

"What just happened? I was in the middle of a fight." I said. I took a good look of my body and found myself healed.

"You died for a minute. . . " Parch said.

"What!?" I said. Then I remembered how Slyff rammed me into a heavy steel and brutally hit me with his fist.

"Did you remember now?" Parch asked.

I nod.

"I should not have let you go around until you managed to grasp your powers fully." Parch said.

"What happened to Slyff?" I asked.

"I sent him into the realm of atonement. But I managed to free Tarshim and taken him captive. Slyff is going to be confused, disturbed and somewhat bitter against his new reality. But if he managed to get out surely Tarshim will once again establish a link with him. And he will again become berserk under the guidance of him. I'm genuinely worried for the man." Parch said.

"Is there any way to stop Tarshim and save Slyff as well?" I asked.

"I don't know. If Tarshim is released from the red gem then there's no saying what will happen." Parch replied.

I got up from the asphalt road and took a look at my surrounding. Cars were crashed, the cable wires were loosed, the large glass panel of a mall was broken and the truck carrying the heavy metal was crushed! The only thing that stopped everyone from going into a total chaos was due to people being frozen in time.

"Parch is there any way for you to fix all of this mess?" I asked him.

Parch took a look at his surrounding and nod. He lifted his staff up at the sky and started moving his hands. Soon everything started fading in an out of reality. And in an instant everything reversed, all the damages that were done was undone and everyone was back at it's original pace.

"Did you reversed again?" I asked him.

Parch nodded.

"I did. But it will have it's consequences very soon." He said.

"Wait if you undone everything does it mean that Slyff is free from the punishment you gave him?" I asked fearing what troubles and chaos he will bring up now.

"No need to worry. I put his body in a special prison that won't be affected by the reverse effect." Parch said. "I will take care of everything now. You must return back to your workplace. We will talk later." He hit the staff once again on the ground and before I can realise anything, lo I was back at the office, sitting on my chair at my desktop.

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