Chapter 1

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(5 years ago)

Yang Jeongin POV

The bell rang to signal the end of the class, and there was a buzz of excitement and sighs of relief as the students got up and stuffed their books inside their bags, talking nineteen to the dozen. A few minutes later the class was empty, and only I remained.

I wouldn't really describe myself as a nerd, yet I wouldn't describe myself as a laid back student either. I do study hard, but I'm always in for a break, and a joke. 

Sighing, I got up and went out of the classroom. I approached my locker and took out the key from my hoodie pocket. Stuffing my books into the locker, I tensed as I felt a presence behind me, but I ignored it, hoping the particular person would go away. 

Just as I was done putting my books in and checking my time-table for the next class, someone shut the locker door and pinned me to the locker.

"What do you want?" I said, annoyed.

"Do my homework, all of it, and give it to me tomorrow or else I'll punch you so hard you'll see the stars in the sky." the person said.

"Can't you do your homework yourself?! I'm not your servant, I can't be-"

The particular person put his finger on my lips and smirked. "You don't get to choose. You have to do my homework. Give it to me tomorrow, all of it. Understood?"

"Ugh! Fine!" I said, frustrated, pushing him out of my way and making my way to the cafeteria.

Wanna know who that person was? Lee Minho, the school's popular playboy and bad boy, and my bully. He bullies a lot of people, but he bullies me the most. Not gonna lie, he is pretty handsome, but really mean and cold hearted. He has never smiled in his life, never. And, as I said, he bullies literally anyone he wants to bully. Like bro, stop being so mean all the freaking time. He has just two best friends, Han Jisung and Kim Seungmin. 

School life is actually the worst, exams, fake friends, bullies, homework and stuff. I'm really waiting for the day when I'll be free from this mess.

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