Chapter 4

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Minho came and sat on the couch next to Jeongin. He greeted everyone and looked at Jeongin, thinking that he hadn't really changed much, except that he looked more handsome than he was when Minho had last seen him.

Jeongin was out of it now. To think that his own freaking bully, should be the man he had to marry! He sat down, his blood boiling so much that his veins were literally red, and his neck was red too. Minho looked at him in surprise, leaned closer to him and whispered, "Hey, whats wrong?"

"Shut the hell up before I kill you." Jeongin whispered back fiercely.

"Hey calm down. I mean, you're gonna act like that to your husband? Tsk, tsk, tsk, thats-"

"I said shut up!" Jeongin whispered back, afraid that the others had heard him. But thankfully they didn't.

Minho looked at him in surprise and shrugged. He listened to the conversation, and Jeongin panicked when he heard that the wedding would take place on 15th September.

"Mom! No! You can't! 15th September is only 4 days away! I need some time to-"

"I'm sorry Jeongin, but 15th September it is. Thats the only day they're free." his mom replied sternly.

Jeongin could not stand this one moment more. He glared at Minho, and then turned to his mom, saying, "Come on Mom, lets go."

"I'm so sorry for my son's behavior." his mom apologized and quickly followed her son.

"Jeongin! What was that?" his mom scolded him when they reached the car.

"How would you react if you found out that you should marry someone so rude and mean, and that too of the same gender in just 4 days?! Huh? You can't answer, because you haven't went through the same! Well I am, and I'm gonna pay back everyone who's involved in this!" Jeongin shouted.

"Here, take the car keys and drive yourself, I'm not gonna drive. I'll take a taxi. Bye." Jeongin said as he handed her the car keys. 

His mom sighed and sat in the car, starting the engine. The car roared and Jeongin stood for a minute or two, his hands in his pockets before shaking his head and calling a taxi.

15 minutes later, he reached his house and payed the driver. He saw his cousin, Felix, run to him and hug him.

"W-whats wrong?" he asked, startled.

"I-I just heard Mom, and I see that you have to marry Minho on my birthday. Its okay, I'm just worried about you. You see, Minho always bullied you, what if he bullied you agai-"

"I'll be fine Yongbok." Jeongin reassured him, pushing him aside. "I need to go inside now. Tell Mom not to disturb me."

Jeongin went in, and slammed the door of his room. He laid down on the bed and sighed, closing his eyes. All the memories of his high school life came back, particularly those days when Minho would just not stop bullying Jeongin.

Maybe I should be scared. Jeongin thought. He's been my bully for so long, he might do anything. I'll have to show him that I won't bear any nonsense. Oh God, why did I have to marry him of all people? I'd rather go swim in a sea with sharks than marry this idiot. 

He plugged in his earphones and listened to some calming songs, so that he could relax. He sang along softly to Save Me by BTS, which in this case suited the situation perfectly, Jeongin thought.

A few moments later, he thought he heard something, and took out his earphones. The sound of loud crying could be heard, and he unlocked the door. He went to the living room and saw his Mom crying. When she looked up and saw him, she quickly wiped her tears and smiled.

"Ah Jeongin! There you are. I've just made some tteokbokki, do you want some? Its fresh, and you'll like it, I made it from the recipe grandma-"

"Mom, whats wrong?" he asked, sitting down beside her and putting a hand around her.

"I-I'm so sorry Jeongin." she sniffed. "I am so sorry to make you marry a guy, I-"

"Mom, its okay, don't say it." he lied. "I will do anything for you, even if it means marrying someone the same gender as me."

Jeongin was completely lying, because he was not okay with the fact that he would have to marry a guy. However, he felt that he could not say it to his mom, so he comforted her and told her that he would skip dinner as he was not hungry.

"I hope you are not angry with me Jeongin." his mom said. "Please forgive me."

"Its okay Mom." he said and went to the washroom, locking the door behind him and looking at himself in the mirror.

Now that he was alone, tears started coming out of his eyes, now that he knew how terrible it would be marrying Minho, his own bully. He would probably bully him again, make him do all the housework and stuff and would not even help him do anything. On top of that, he would probably be selfish and self centered. Jeongin also realized that he would be far from his family, something which he had not thought of in his entire lifetime. The thought of that made him tighten the grip of the sink and scream internally. He closed his eyes as he bit his lower lip, trying to pull himself together.

Several minutes later, he emerged from the washroom, and he saw his sister sitting on the couch. She looked up and ran to him, hugging him for all he was worth.

"Whats the matter?" he asked, surprised.

"I-I overheard Mom talking about you getting married. I can't believe it. Please tell me its all a lie." she cried, tears oozing out of her brown orbs.

"So you found out." he said, stroking her back. "Well, yes, I am afraid I'll have to marry a guy, but please don't tell Mom about this, okay? About the fact that you found out."

"I won't, promise." she said. "You will visit me, right?"

"Of course I will." he assured her, smiling.

Jeongin went to his room and opened the gallery app on his phone. He scrolled until a particular picture caught his eye. It was 6 years ago, when he was in university. His friend had taken the picture on the last day, and he mentally went through the names of his classmates as he smiled and spotted all the different people in the picture. Then one face made his smile slip off his face and was replaced by anger.

It was Minho.

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