Chapter 5

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It was the day of the wedding. Jeongin looked in the mirror one last time before making his way to the sort of waiting room, where he would wait until his name was announced and he would go.

Jeongin's feelings were mixed. He was nervous, furious, upset, terrified, anxious and other emotions which he couldn't describe. He wanted to get over with this quickly, but at the same time he wanted to delay it as much as possible.

(Several minutes later, sorry y'all 😩)

"Lee Minho, do you agree to be by your groom's side forever, both in times of goodness and bad, sickness and health, happiness and distress, and accept the marriage?" the priest said.

"I do." Minho said, after a moment of hesitation.

"Yang Jeongin, do you agree  to be by your groom's side forever, both in times of goodness and bad, sickness and health, happiness and distress, and accept the marriage?" the priest said.

And those 3 seconds after the priest had said that were the only 3 seconds in the world when Jeongin had literally thought about how his future would be if he said those 2 words. If he did say those 2 words, he would live the most miserable life. And if he didn't say those 2 words, he would upset everyone, he had to choose quickly.

"I-I do." Shit why the hell did I stutter God I'm so stupid. he thought.

"You may now kiss." the priest said.

Minho went closer to Jeongin, closer and closer, until their noses almost touched. Then Minho slowly attached his lips to Jeongin's, and a few seconds later, he stepped back. The crowd cheered and shouted.

Jeongin had never expected anyone to do that to him. He stood there, looking at Minho with wide eyes. Then, when he came back to senses, he realized that Minho was holding out his hand. Jeongin slowly put his hand into Minho's, and they both walked down the small stairs and between the crowd. 

"Uh, can I just have a glass of water?" Jeongin asked, and Minho nodded his head, not paying much attention. His attention was diverted towards a young blonde guy about a year or two younger than Minho, with blonde hair till his collar bone, and a white suit shirt with a black coat on and black pants. He saw Minho and hurried towards him, grinning hugely.

 He saw Minho and hurried towards him, grinning hugely

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"Ah Minho hyung!" the guy cried as he hugged Minho. "Congratulations hyung!"

"Thanks Hyunjin." Minho replied, hugging Hyunjin back. 

"So who is this?" Hyunjin said as he looked at Jeongin.

"Oh, uh, I am Yang Jeongin, but you can call me Jeongin." Jeongin introduced himself as he politely shook hands with Hyunjin.

"Oh, Jeongin, huh? Nice name." Hyunjin said. "So you're going to live together right?"

"Yeah, Mom already found a house for us to live in." Minho said. Looking at Jeongin, he said, "Hey, you okay?"

Jeongin almost felt like dying. He knew he would have to live with Minho, but he thought that one would stay at the other's. He certainly did not expect that they both would have to live together, and that too, alone.

"Y-yeah, I'm okay." Jeongin lied. "Uh, please excuse me while I go get a glass of water."

Jeongin ran away from them, his heart beating fast. There was surely no way of escape out of this. He would have to put up with this mess. He bumped into a another blonde guy the around the same age as Jeongin, but he was glad that he had found the guy, and he pulled him to a spot where no one was there.

 He bumped into a another blonde guy the around the same age as Jeongin, but he was glad that he had found the guy, and he pulled him to a spot where no one was there

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"Ah Felix. Thank God you're here." Jeongin said. "I swear to God I hate this world."

"What do you mean?" Felix smirked. "I mean, isn't it awesome to get married?"

"Yeah right, but not so awesome when its your own bully." Jeongin said, rolling his eyes.

"Oh come on, I'm sure things will get sorted out between you two." Felix said. "Instead of thinking bad about him, why don't you try and give him a chance? He might have changed, some people do."

Jeongin had to admit that Felix was right. He smiled and hugged Felix, saying, "I'm really grateful for everything you've done for me, you're the best cousin ever. I'll video call you every day when I'm free, okay?"

"Sure." Felix said, smiling. "Now you better get back to Minho, otherwise he'll start to get suspicious."

"Come with me." Jeongin said, and dragged Felix to where Minho was. Him and Hyunjin were still talking, and Hyunjin was staring at Felix until he greeted him.

"Oh hi, I'm Hyunjin, Minho's step brother." Hyunjin said, a little shyly. He stretched his hand and said, "Whats your name?"

Felix didn't say anything. He just kept staring at Hyunjin until Jeongin poked his back.

"Oh, uh, sorry." Felix said, totally embarrassed. "Uh, my name's Felix, but thats my Australian name. My Korean name is Yongbok, Lee Yongbok."

"Oh you're from Australia? Thats awesome! I'm just Korean, although I did go to Las Vegas for a few years." Hyunjin shook Felix's hand. "How are you?"

Whipped ever since I saw you. Felix thought. But he replied, "I'm great! You?"

"I'm good too, thanks." Hyunjin said, still shy. Minho sensed what was going on with Hyunjin, and he smirked, poking him in the back and then raising his eyebrows.

 Hyunjin glared at Minho, his eyes saying, "Shut up, its not what you think it is."

A few hours later, the wedding finally ended, and Jeongin sat in the car with Minho, putting on his seatbelt. He looked at Minho and saw that he was busy with his phone.

"Uh, are we going to a restaurant first or the house?" Jeongin asked, breaking the awkward silence.

"Restaurant? Why a restaurant?" Minho asked.

"I'm starving." Jeongin answered.

Minho started the car. "We're going to eat KFC." he informed him.

"Thank you." Jeongin said, looking away and staring out of the window. A few minutes later, he dozed off.

15 minutes later, they arrived at the big fast food restaurant. Minho got out of the car and slammed the door shut. Jeongin jumped and saw that they were there. He got out of the car and followed Minho into the restaurant. Minho sat at a small table set for two near the corner of the restaurant, and Jeongin sat opposite to him. Minho took his phone out of his pocket and began scrolling, not bothering to talk to Jeongin until Jeongin spoke himself.

"Can't you just leave your phone alone?"

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