Chapter 6

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Minho looked up. "No, any problem with that?" he said, before looking down at his phone again. Jeongin got frustrated.

"Its pretty mean being on your phone and not talking to me." Jeongin said.

"I came here for the food, not to talk to you." Minho said. "You should be grateful that I even brought you here."

Jeongin became silent, although inside he was boiling. He knew this would happen. He had already known that Minho would treat him like a piece of dirt.

"So, uh, how are you and Hyunjin related?" Jeongin asked.

Minho looked up from his phone, saying, "He's my step-brother. His parents died and no one was there to take care of him, and he was my friend from school. So my mom and dad later adopted him, and now he's my step-brother."

"Oh." Jeongin said. "Whats his surname?" 

"Hwang." Minho answered. "What about you? How are you and Felix related?"

"Its kind of like the same story." Jeongin replied. "His Dad died too, but an assassin had killed him, so-whats wrong?"

Minho stared at Jeongin when he heard that an assassin had killed Felix's dad. "An assassin killed his dad?"

"Yeah. Is there something wrong? You look tensed." Jeongin noticed.

"No, I'm fine. Go on." Minho said.

"Okay, so an assassin killed his dad and his mom died because of a heart attack, so later my mom invited him to stay at our house forever, and every month he pays a small portion of the rent as a thank-you. He's my cousin."

"Mhm, interesting." Minho said, although he clearly wasn't interested.

"So, whats your hobby?" he asked Minho.

"Hiking and watching movies. You?" 

"I like watching eating shows and listening to ASMR." 

For some minutes the little conversation continued, and they grew closer and closer, although there was still some tension and Minho was still being a little cold.

They ate their food, and an hour later they decided to head home. They sat in the car and Jeongin waited for the drive to end, as it was pretty awkward.

When the house finally came into sight, Jeongin sat up and his eyes widened. The house was medium sized, not too big nor too small, but the way the exterior was designed was what really fascinated Jeongin. It looked so simple, brown and white, yet it looked so elegant and beautiful.

"If you're done staring, care to get out of the damn car?" Minho said impatiently.

"Oh yeah, sorry." Jeongin apologized and quickly got out of the car. He and Minho walked into the house, and Jeongin loved the interior design as much as he loved the exterior design. It was pretty simple but very beautiful, just like the exterior. The walls were brown and the furniture was white, making it all look lovely. Jeongin went upstairs and saw two rooms, opposite to each other.

"That room is for me, and that room is for you." Minho said as he walked up the stairs, pointing to the left room which meant that it was his own room.

"Oh okay, thanks." Jeongin said and went inside his room.

 There were several pictures of random things like coffee, kittens, etc. but Jeongin loved it. He sat on his bed and marveled at the comfort of the mattress. It was a king-sized bed, and towards the corner of the room was an arm chair with a small coffee table placed near the arm chair. He looked out of the window and saw cars, buildings and roads. He went to the washroom and found out that he had a pretty big bath tub, with a sink opposite to it and a little cabinet near the corner of the washroom, where two towels were already placed on one shelf.

"Who payed for all this?" Jeongin asked as he met Minho in the hallway.

"Me." Minho said. "Anyways I'm going to sleep, so don't disturb me."

Jeongin stared at him for some time before he tapped Minho on his shoulder.

"Um, thank you for paying for the furniture and stuff, I really appreciate it, thank you."

"Mhm." Minho said before stifling a yawn and going to his room, shutting the door.

Jeongin went to his room and wondered what to do. He checked the time, 12:15 AM. H decided to doze off as he had nothing better to do.

As he laid down on the bed, he pulled up the covers and decided to check if he had any messages. There were at least 50.


Hey Jeongin. Just wanted to congratulate u, hope u both are doing well.


Heyy. Yeah, we're good, thanks. He literally brought the whole freaking house.

Read 12:23


Hey sweetie. I hope my baby is doing well. I am so sorry for everything, but its the best for ur family Hope ur doing well.


Yeah mom I'm fine, thanks. Wbu? And its ok.



Can u come to my room 4 a min


Uh yeah sure. Be ryt there.



Jeongin made his way to Minho's room, wondering what he wanted. He knocked on the door and a second later he heard a faint "Come in" from inside the room. He entered and stood near Minho, waiting.

"Sit on the bed." Minho said, and Jeongin obeyed. He looked around and saw that Minho's room was designed mostly in black and dark grey. He also noticed that the setting was more formal than his own room.

"So what did you call me here for?" Jeongin asked.

"Did you apply for any job?" Minho asked.

"Uh yeah, I did. How do you know?" 

"I got the message. You've been accepted. No need for an interview or anything. You can start say after tomorrow. I'll show you around the office, but there are some rules that you'll need to follow. If you break any of those rules, you're dead."

"Y-yes, of course." Jeongin asked. Then he stopped dead and said, "Wait, so you're my boss?"

"Yes." Minho said. "Anyways, listen."

"You have to make sure that no employees or anyone do not know that we are married, other wise it will cause a commotion. You have to work from 8 in the morning to 10 in the evening, and I shall come back at approximately 11 or 12, so make sure that my food is ready. And follow my orders, both at home and office. And one more thing."

Minho placed his cup of coffee on the side table and stared deep into Jeongin's soul before saying, "Don't you dare even try to lie to me, or else I'll torture you to death. Understood?"

Jeongin gulped. "Y-yes sir, I mean Minho."


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