Chapter 11

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The next morning, Minho woke up by the beeping sound of his alarm. He shut it off and laid back down again, staring at the grey ceiling.

"Good morning hyung."

Minho smiled. "Morning, Hyunjin."

"Slept well?"

"Yeah. You?"


Minho nodded and kept staring at the ceiling.

"So...I wanted to ask you something." Hyunjin said.

"Go on." Minho replied.

"What was going on when I came in last night? What were you and Jeongin doing? And...that broken glass everywhere, where did all that come from? What had happened?"

Minho stopped staring at the ceiling and turned his head, looking straight into Hyunjin's dark brown eyes.

"Nothing happened."

"Hyung, I know something had happened. You can tell me, you know. If you want, I promise I won't tell anyone else."

Minho sighed. "We had a fight."

"About what?" Hyunjin asked.

"Nothing." Minho said, covering Hyunjin till his neck with the blanket. "Go to sleep, Hyunjin. Its half past 5. Its still raining. Go to sleep."


"Hyunjin, please." Minho said. "Don't make me shout at you. You know I don't want to."

Hyunjin sighed. But he didn't want to make his older brother angry, so he obeyed and closed his eyes, drifting off to sleep while Minho patted his shoulder gently.

(7 AM)

Felix made his way to the kitchen, rubbing his eyes. He glanced at Jeongin, slumped in his chair and staring at the bowl of cereal in front of him, lost in a world of his own.

"Slept well, Jeongin?"

Jeongin looked up, and smiled slightly. "Yeah, I did." even though the dark bags under his red eyes clearly contradicted what he just said.

"I'll make some egg and bread for you, I'm sorry I don't have any-"

"Its fine, I'll eat some cereal." Felix said, grabbing the cereal box and pouring some of it in the bowl. He took a carton of milk and a spoon and sat down on the table opposite to Jeongin. 

"Are you okay?" 

Jeongin looked up. "Of course I am." he said. "What do you mean?"

"I thought that you were crying last night." Felix said. "I could hear sniffing."

"You must be mistaken." Jeongin said. "Why would I cry?" 

"Because of the fight that happened between you and Minho."

Jeongin fell silent. "Why would you bring it up?"

"You still haven't told me what happened."

"And? Why should I? If I don't want to I won't."

"Why won't you tell me?"

"Its personal."

Felix looked at him before looking down at his bowl of cereal.

Just then, Minho came downstairs. Jeongin didn't greet him or anything, like he used to. He simply sat there, eating his cereal.

"Where's my breakfast?" Minho asked. Felix was surprised by the coolness between Minho and Jeongin.

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