Chapter 10

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One night, Minho came home at 1 AM. He was tired and wanted his food. When he entered, he was surprised to see that the whole house was dark. He called out Jeongin's name and heard a small whimpering sound, as if someone was crying for help silently.

The whimpering sound came again, this time from the kitchen. He made his way to the kitchen and saw a dark figure near the kitchen counter, with his back to him.

"Hey, whats wrong?" Minho asked, turning on the lights.

"C-close the lights, p-please." Jeongin said, sniffing.

Minho came closer, saying, "Whats wrong?"

"Nothing, go away." Jeongin said.

"What happened? Why are you being like this?"

"I said just leave me alone."

"I won't go until you tell me whats wrong."

"Get out of here, please, just leave me alone."

"Why can't you tell me why you're sad? You're so-"


"What did I do now?" Minho said, as if he never tortured Jeongin.

"I do everything I can to make you happy and proud of me, but you're always so mean and rude. You never even say good morning or something, you always blame me for everything, even if you're wrong. Did you comfort me when my sister died? Did you? Huh?"

Minho looked taken aback, lost for words, and shook when Jeongin yelled again.



Before Minho could answer, a punch hit his shoulder,  and he fell down, grabbing his aching shoulder. Jeongin laughed.

"You really think I don't know you're in the Mafia? You think I'm that dumb? I'm not, I know everything about you, so don't try to fool me." he bent down and whispered, "You've made me suffer long enough, now I'll make you suffer."

Another punch landed on his chest, and Minho got up and twisted Jeongin's arm. Jeongin grabbed a glass and threw it at Minho, but Minho dodged it easily and ran to him, knocking him on the ground. He punched him a few times before Jeongin bit his hand, making Minho groan. H got up and punched the back of Minho's neck, then grabbed his collar and punched his forehead. Minho slapped Jeongin and gabbed his collar, and they both collided to the wall, where Jeongin took the kitchen knife and tried to hurt Minho, but Minho grabbed it and almost stabbed Jeongin, but Jeongin had quick reflexes and dodged it, hitting his leg.

"You really don't know how to fight, don't you?" Jeongin said, smirking.

"I was going easy on you, but now I think I shouldn't." Minho said. He slapped Jeongin so hard that his cheek started bleeding. Jeongin punched Minho's stomach at least 15 times, making him cough out blood.

"Thats it." Minho said, taking out a revolver. He put his finger on the trigger, but didn't pull it. Jeongin took out his gun and pointed it at Minho.

"And where the hell did you get that from?" Minho asked. 

"I stole 3 guns from you." Jeongin said. "Pretty good quality."

"You really are one idiot." Minho said, walking towards Jeongin, still pointing his gun. Jeongin's gun was also pointing at him and he walked backwards. They circled around the table, until Minho pushed Jeongin, and Jeongin's grip of the gun loosened. Minho almost brought the curtains down.

"You, really- *cough* you don't- *cough*" Jeongin couldn't complete his sentence before Minho pushed him to the ground and started punching him.

"S-stop, p-please." Jeongin begged, but this only made Minho become more ruthless and he punched him more and more.

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