Chapter 7

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Jeongin woke up the next morning, his alarm screaming at him. He shut it off and yawned. He could go to sleep for another hour or two, but he forced himself to get out of the bed and walk to the washroom. Minho would be waking up in 30 minutes, and he had to make his breakfast.

10 minutes later, he emerged from the washroom, feeling fresh. He slipped on his clothes and headed downstairs to the kitchen. He opened the cabinets and the fridge and saw that food was already stocked inside, so, he decided to fry 2 eggs with some slices of bread.

Minutes later, he was frying his first egg in a saucepan. He was a pretty good cook, so he didn't have much difficulty, plus, it was just frying an egg. 

He hummed a little tune as he placed the egg on the 2 slices of bread on a plate. He then fried his second egg and soon placed that on 2 slices of bread as well. He took both the plates and placed them on the table. He opened the cabinet and took out a glass for himself. He filled it with cold milk and put it near his plate. Then, looking at his watch, he decided to wake Minho up in 5 minutes if he didn't wake up himself. 

10 minutes later Minho came downstairs, rubbing his eyes. He looked around and winced, trying to get accustomed to the bright sunlight coming from the window.

''Good morning Minho.'' Jeongin said.

Minho didn't answer. Instead, he just looked at Jeongin for a second before pulling out a chair. He sat down and looked at the food. Then, without looking at Jeongin, he said, "Where's my tea?"

"Oh yeah, sorry. I didn't know if you would want milk or tea, so I thought that I would get the one you want after you would tell me. I'll get the tea right away."

He hurried to the cabinet and got out a teacup. He made the tea and a few minutes later, he put it next to Minho's plate of half eaten egg and bread.

"Is it good?" Jeongin asked, hoping eagerly for a "yes". Instead, Minho just kept looking down at his plate, not bothering to look up and answer the question. In the end, Jeongin thought he hadn't listened to the question, so he repeated it again. Again, Minho kept looking down at his plate, sipping his tea and not answering his question.

Jeongin thought he was probably in a bad mood, so he left him there. He was about to go out of the room when he heard Minho say something.

"Don't forget to come tomorrow, its your first working day."

"Oh yeah, I remember. Thanks for reminding. I'll be ready tomorrow." Jeongin said.

Minho nodded his head and kept on eating his breakfast. When he was done, he directly went outside the kitchen. Jeongin went inside and raised his eyebrows when he saw the empty dishes on the table and the chair still pulled out. He put the chair back in and took the dishes to the dishwasher, thinking about cleaning them later or now. He decided that he would clean them later. He ate his breakfast and saw Minho heading for the door.

"Oh, you're off?" Jeongin asked.

"Mhm." Minho said. "I'll be back by 11 or 12 AM. Make sure that dinner is ready for me." 

"Okay." Jeongin said. Then his eyes widened, and he said, "Oh wait! You don't have lunch to take with you, do you?"

Minho groaned. "I'll just eat at the office, but make sure that you make lunch for me from tomorrow."

"Yes, I will, I'm sorry." Jeongin apologized. Minho nodded.

"Goodbye, have a good day." Jeongin called out. Minho didn't reply and slammed the door shut. Jeongin heard the sound of a car starting, then he heard the wheels turn. Then there was silence.

He wondered what to do next. He flopped on the couch and searched for the remote control. He found it under a cushion and turned on the TV. He went through some channels, finding them boring.

"Don't we have something interesting to watch?" he complained. Then his eyes lit up as he saw a very interesting thing.

"Finally!" Jeongin cheered.

The word NETFLIX appeared on the screen, and then countless movies and TV shows were displayed. He found out that it was Minho's account, but he decided that he would watch what he wanted to watch. He typed "Law School" in the search bar and seconds later quite a lot of results came on the screen, and he clicked the first one. 

He watched his k-drama for a few hours until he realized that he was feeling hungry. He got up and made some sandwiches for himself and settled on the couch.

Just then, his phone rang, and he looked and saw that Felix was face timing him. He smiled as he accepted the call.

"Hey Jeongin!!" Felix said. "How are you? It isn't even been a day and I still miss you so much!"

"Aw, thank you. I miss you too you know?" Jeongin laughed. "I'm fine, thanks. You?"

"I'm great!" Felix said. "'s life with Minho?"

"He hasn't really done anything yet, he's still a little mean but he's okay, I guess? I think I'll be able to handle."

"Thats good." Felix said. "Oh wait, your younger sister wants to see you. I'm going to give the phone to her now. Goodbye from my side!"

"Goodbye." Jeongin said. Then he laughed as a 14 year old girl appeared on the screen. excited.

"Jeongin!" she cheered. "How are you? I miss you so much, I was crying yesterday night." she frowned, saying, "You said you would call me."

"I know, I know." Jeongin sighed. "I was just really tired, thats all. And I'm good, thanks. How are your studies going?"

"Meh, fine, I guess." she shrugged. "I still don't get why I have to study Biology if I want to become a fashion designer. Its not like I will have to do a surgery on different patters."

Jeongin laughed. He missed his family. They talked for some time, then Felix had to go to his academy, so he had to go.

Jeongin cut the call and looked around, wondering what to do. He finished his sandwiches and washed the dishes. He roamed around the house.

"Maybe I should just go to sleep. I have nothing better to do." he said to himself. He checked the time, 10:45. Probably too early to sleep, but he had nothing better to do.

Just as he was about to go to his room, his phone rang. He took a look and saw that it was Minho. He picked it up, curious.

"Jeongin." Minho said.

"Yes?" Jeongin asked.

"I need you to come to the office, right now."


"Don't ask so many questions. Just come."

"Okay, hang on, I'm coming."

He cut the call and quickly ran downstairs, wearing his shoes and racing out of the house and into the car. He started the car and went on his way to Minho's office, wondering what he wanted.

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