Chapter 3

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5 months later

Jeongin was on the bed, scowling. He had heard news which was awful, and he hadn't talked to anyone for the past 3 days. He was so angry and upset.

3 days ago

"Jeongin." his mom's voice called. "I need to talk to you."

"Yes mom?" Jeongin asked. "What is it?"

"I need to tell you something. I know you'll be very angry, and I'm sorry." she said, looking nervous.

Jeongin waited for her to continue.

"I am only going to tell this to you, so please don't tell anyone else. Our business is financially going down, and we just can't find another job. So, you'll have to marry a rich and wealthy person, the person isn't wealthy or proud, but rather sweet and kind."

Jeongin was surprised . He didn't expect his mom to marry him to someone else. But he agreed and said, "Okay mom, I will-"

"I'm not done yet, Jeongin." his mom interrupted him. "There's something else you need to know."

"What is it?" he asked impatiently.

"You have to marry a man."

Now that was something he was definitely not expecting.

"M-mom, you're joking right? Its all a joke, right?" Jeongin said, chuckling.

"I'm not joking, I swear it." his mom replied. 

"But-but I can't! I really can't!  Imagine what the others would say. They would be so angry and-"

"Then you'll have to keep it a secret, I know that you're angry, but-"

"Angry?" Jeongin said. "Mom, I'm not only angry, I'm ashamed of what the others would say if they find out. Plus, I really can't marry a guy. A girl would have been understandable, but marrying someone of the same gender, its-its absurd! Who ever heard of that? I won't marry him!"

"Jeongin, I'm not asking you, nor am I giving you an option. You have to marry him." his mom said, rather sternly.

"I won't! I will never marry someone the same gender as me, no matter how kind and sweet he is." Jeongin said angrily, and stomped out of the room. Of all the things he had expected, he had never in his life thought that he would have to marry a guy, the same gender as him.

His mom sighed as she saw him leave. But she knew that he would do it, for her.

3 days later

"Jeongin." his mom said as he entered his room. "I need to go out, and I need to come with me."

"I'm not coming" he growled.

His mom yanked him out of his bed, and looked at him sternly. "No arguing. Come on."

Jeongin groaned as he followed his mom out of the room. He wore his shoes and followed her out of the door.

"You're going to drive?" he asked, seeing her go towards the car. 

"Nope, you." she said, throwing the car keys to him. Then she sat in the car, waiting for him to sit too and start driving.

Jeongin started the engine and asked her where to go. When her mom told him the address, he drove to that area.

"Are you sure this is the right place?" he asked as he stepped out, looking at the huge white marble house in front of him. "Its a house."

"I know its a house. And its exactly where I wanted to come. Come on." his mom said and started walking towards the house. She rang the bell, and a few minutes later, the door opened and a woman in her late 30s dressed in a simple but beautiful outfit smiled as she saw Jeongin and his mom.

"Good evening! You're here! I thought you had lost your way." she said in a soft voice. "Come in, come in."

His mom smiled as she stepped in, and Jeongin also went inside, his jaw dropping when he saw how expensive and elegant the house looked. The woman smiled and gestured them to sit on a couch.

"Please be seated, while I go and get some drinks." the woman said and hurried off to the kitchen. Moments later, she arrived with a tray with some glasses filled with cold drinks. Jeongin gladly accepted one and thanked her.

"Mom, why are we here?" Jeongin whispered to his mom. His mom gave him a look which said, "Wait, you'll know soon."

A few minutes later, a handsome looking man, also in his late 30s, arrived and greeted them politely and sat down.

"Well, as you know, Jeongin will have to get married to our son." the man began. Jeongin's eyes widened. So thats why they had invited them here, to talk about him getting married to their son. He could feel his blood boiling again, but he managed to keep calm and paste a fake smile on his face as he nodded and listened to their conversation.

"I'm sorry that he's still not here, he went to take a shower and now I have no idea where he is, but-"

"I'm here." a male voice said from behind them. All eyes turned to him, and the man and the woman heaved a sigh of relief as they saw their son there, with his hair damp from his shower and with a simple grey T-shirt and grey sweatpants. He ran a hand through his damp hair and looked at Jeongin, surprised. As for Jeongin, he could have fainted right there and then. The only words that escaped his mouth were:


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