Chapter 13

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Hyunjin came downstairs, greeted by Felix. He smiled and looked around, wondering where Jeongin and Minho were.

"Oh, they went to work." Felix said when Hyunjin asked him.

"Oh, okay." Hyunjin said. He looked at Felix and his brown hair covering his forehead and his small hands holding the whisk as he beat the eggs, concentrating. Hyunjin found this cute and smiled.

Later, they both were seated at the table and started eating. While eating his bacon and egg, Felix got something on his chin. When Hyunjin pointed out, he couldn't get it off, so Hyunjin came to Felix to take it off.

When his finger rested on his chin to take the thing off, he stared into Felix's eyes, and Felix stared back. They were really close, about 2 inches away from each other.

"Do you know something which I can't resist?" Hyunjin whispered.

"What is it?" Felix asked.

"Your lips." Hyunjin replied.

The moment he said that, he smashed his lips onto Felix's, their lips moving in sync. Felix was a little tensed in the beginning, but soon relaxed and kissed him back.

Hyunjin pulled Felix out of his chair, still kissing him. His hands landed on Felix's small waist and he put his second hand on the nape of his neck. Felix put his hands on his shoulder and neck and kissed him harder. They kissed for some more time before Hyunjin broke the kiss saying, "I love you Felix."

"I love you too Hyunjin, ever since I saw you." Felix said, smiling.

Hyunjin smiled and hugged Felix for all he was worth. Felix hugged him back. He had finally confessed his feelings to Hyunjin, a thing he had been wanting to do for the past week, and he had finally done it.

Bang Chan, meanwhile had been driving to Minho's office. He knew that Jeongin would be there, and he wanted to give his small cousin a surprise. Somewhere in the back of his mind, he wanted to meet Felix as well, but he knew that he wouldn't be at Minho's office. He kept driving and finally arrived at the building.

But when he got in, he forgot that he had to take an appointment, and now he couldn't get in. What should he do? He looked around and saw a few people wearing white coats. He looked outside the building and saw a young man with his white coat and a name tag identifying him as SEO CHANGBIN. He quietly went to the young man's bench, and when he was looking at the opposite direction, he quickly took the white coat and fled inside, quickly putting it on and wearing a black mask. Nearly all the employees were wearing a mask, so it was no difficulty. He got in and bowed to the receptionist and went inside the elevator. When he came to the top floor that had Minho's office, the first thing he saw was a room for SEO CHANGBIN. He quickly hanged the white coat there and went to Jeongin, meaning to surprise him. He had grabbed a cup of coffee on his way to Minho's office, so he sipped it as he made his way to Jeongin's desk.

Several hours later, Bang Chan, Minho and Jeongin were driving back home. Minho had taken an early leave and they came to their house at 11:30 PM. When they opened the door, Felix dropped his apple and stared at Bang Chan.

"Chan, is it really you?" Felix said.

"Hey." Chan said awkwardly.

Felix ran to Chan and hugged him tightly. Chan laughed and hugged him back.

"I've missed you so much. Its been 2 years since I saw you. When did you come back from university?" Felix asked.

"Only a few days ago." Chan answered.

They made dinner and ate it happily while talking nineteen to the dozen. Finally, Jeongin collected all the plates and put them in the sink.

"Lets have a game now." Jeongin said. "What do you guys wanna play?"

"Lets play snakes and ladders." Hyunjin said. "I bet I'll win this time."

They brought the ladder and soon started playing. In the end, Felix won, and Hyunjin was pretty annoyed about that.

Later, they thought that they should watch a movie, so they got some popcorn and put on Spiderman: No Way Home. 

Soon they finished the movie and decided to go upstairs to bed. Chan drove back home and Jeongin and Minho went upstairs to their room.

"Jeongin." Minho said when they were getting ready for bed.


"I'm not really the type of person to say this, but...I wanna say something." Minho said.

"What is it?" Jeongin asked.

Minho once again wrapped his arms around Jeongin, and whispered softly, "I love you."

"I love you too Minho." Jeongin whispered back, smiling.

And there they stood, hugging, with the moonlight coming through the windows and the night silent.

~The End of Reason~

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