Chapter 9

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Jeongin had settled well. He knew his way around the gigantic building pretty well, although he still sometimes got confused, and he also enjoyed working. But there was one thing he didn't like.

Being stuck with Minho.

Minho had started to treat him pretty badly, he would give him piles of work, he would never let Jeongin take a break until all the work was completed and he became very mean and rude with him.

Jeongin was at his desk, scribbling on some paperwork. Minho came with stacks of files and banged them on the table. He pointed to them and said, "Complete this." and then went back to his table, sat on his spinning chair and closed his eyes.

"Can't you do some work yourself?" Jeongin asked annoyed.

"No. What are you gonna do about it?" Minho said.

Jeongin glared at him and continued doing his work.

"Oh, and by the way." Minho said. "There's a business party that is going to occur tomorrow, and you have to come."

"Sure." Jeongin said, not looking at him.

A few hours later, he checked the time and decided to head home. He told Minho that he was going, and headed towards the exit.

Sitting in the car, he put on his seatbelt and started the car, putting on a song and singing along.

When you look at me.

I lose my mind.

Coffee, shopping, driving (woo)

LP, cooking, wine, are you down?

Taecyeon, Make it (2PM)

Later, he reached the house. He made food for Minho and cleaned the house. He felt very tired and decided to go to bed.

(Day of party)

It was 6:15 PM. The party would be at 7 PM, and Jeongin had called Minho to come pick him up.  A few minutes later, Minho's car came into sight and Jeongin sat in the car.

"How was work?" he asked.

"Good." Minho answered.

Jeongin nodded. He was used to his short, clipped answers.

Several minutes later, they reached the location of the party and got out of the car. People screamed as they saw the guys get out.

They made their way to the hall and finally found their friends. They chatted with them for some time before someone gave them an interesting idea.

"Lets play truth or dare!" an employee called Junho said.

"Sure." they all agreed and sat in a circle.

"Okay, I'll go first. Lisa, truth or dare?" Junho said.

"Truth." Lisa said.

"Is it true that you once bit your brother's arm when he was sleeping as revenge?"

Lisa laughed. "Yeah, he was annoying me so I bit him."

Everyone laughed.

"My turn." Lisa said. "Jeongin, truth or dare?"

"Dare." Jeongin said confidently.

"I dare you to kiss Minho."

That ended Jeongin's confidence. It replaced his smug smile with worry and shock. 

"M-Minho?" Jeongin asked.

"We'll do it later, but not in front of you guys. We'll tell you when we do it." Minho said, looking at Jeongin's face.

"Then go to that room over there and kiss, then come back and tell us." San said.

"Why don't you kiss Wooyoung then?" Jeongin said.

"W-what? No, of course not!" San stammered.

Minho led Jeongin to the room, with Jeongin practically sweating. They closed the door and Minho looked at Jeongin's face, saying, "Calm down, its okay. Its just a small kiss, nothing will happen."

"Yeah." Jeongin said, mentally preparing himself. Minho walked closer and closer to Jeongin, with Jeongin backing away, until he reached a table and couldn't back away anymore.

"Relax." Minho said. Jeongin nodded.

Minho cupped Jeongin's cheeks in his hands, and slowly they connected their lips. Jeongin didn't do anything for the first few seconds, but as he got used to it, he kissed Minho back.

Some weird feeling came over Minho all of a sudden, and he kissed Jeongin harder. Harder and harder still. He felt Jeongin trying to break the kiss but he didn't allow it, and instead kissed him even harder.

"M-Minho." Jeongin whispered softly, running out of oxygen. Jeongin felt Minho smile. He loved watching the younger one struggle.

At last Minho broke the kiss, and Jeongin panted. Minho looked at him before saying, "Haven't you kissed anyone before?"


They got out of the room and for the next several hours, the party continued.

They got tired and thought of going back home, so they did, and for a while, there was an awkward silence in the car before Minho broke it, saying:

"I'm sorry."

A/N: I'm so sorry for the small chapter.

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