Chapter 12

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The next day, it was still raining. Jeongin didn't want to get out of bed. It was so cozy, lying there on the bed, under the blankets with the air conditioner on full.

He looked at his right and saw Minho sleeping. His eyes were closed, and there were small, gentle snores. Jeongin smiled. Never did he ever imagine that the boss of the most feared Mafia gang on the planet would look so cute while sleeping.

He got out and stretched himself. His lips felt chapped from last night's sleep, so he got some water and drank it. He opened the blinds and looked out. The raindrops made a pattering noise on the window, and Jeongin watched the raindrops as they slid down the window as if they were racing each other.

What joy comes from watching small things like raindrops. Jeongin thought. Its like they can give you immense happiness without even trying.

Just then he heard a cough from behind, and turned around to see Minho stirring from his sleep. This time he coughed louder.

"God, I need to-shit-" he said as he jumped out of the bed and ran to the washroom. Then he threw up.

"You went to the club again?" Jeongin asked, shaking his head. "How many times have I told you that going to late night clubs at like 2 in the night can cause hangovers in the morning?"

"I know, I know." Minho said. "But I couldn't resist."

Jeongin gave him some water to drink, and Minho was about to exit the room when Jeongin pulled him back, saying, "We need to talk."

"About what?" Minho asked.

"Sit down." Jeongin ordered.

Minho sat down and waited for Jeongin to begin.

"Some weeks ago, Felix showed me an article, stating that there is a Mafia who goes around as if he is an innocent citizen. Its you, isn't it?"

Minho didn't say anything. There was no point in saying anything. Jeongin already knew the truth.

"Anyways, a short time after the marriage, we went to KFC, and we talked about how Felix and I are related. And when I said that an assassin had killed his parents, you looked tense. That was you again, right?"

"They were my orders." Minho said. "I couldn't do anything about it."

"And when my sister was killed, it was you who did it, wasn't it?" Jeongin said angrily.

"No, it wasn't me, I swear." Minho said. "It was my ex-boss."

"Who do you even work for?" Jeongin said. "Or worked for?"

"I-I don't think it would be appropriate if I said that." Minho said nervously.

"I don't care, tell me." Jeongin said.

Minho sighed. "Your father."

Jeongin fell silent, his eyes wide with shock. "M-my father?"

"Yes." Minho replied. "Do you want me to explain?"

"Yeah." Jeongin said.

"When I was 9 years old, my dad and mom were killed and I was kidnapped by someone. It was your father. Your father left you when you were 7, right? I'm two years older than you, so I was 9 when he kidnapped me. Later he took me to an institution type place, where I was brought up. Then, when I was 12, I started my training."

"What kind of training?" Jeongin asked in wonder.

"Oh you know, the guns and stuff." Minho said. Jeongin nodded.

"When I was 15, I was ordered to kill Felix's parents by my boss, your father. And I also hated him, ever since he killed my parents." Minho said, but was interrupted by Jeongin.

"But I thought that your parents were the ones who were sitting in your living room?" Jeongin asked, confused.

"Those are my step parents." Minho replied. "They aren't my real parents."

"Oh, okay." Jeongin said.

"I'm sorry." Minho said.

"Its okay." Jeongin said. "Now what do you wanna eat for breakfast?"

"Yesterday you literally gave me peanut butter and jam with two bread slices for breakfast." Minho said. "Is it your payday today or what? I thought I had to give your salary next week."

"Yeah you have to. And no, its not my payday. I just feel...happy. Now that things are sorted out between us. Kinda." Jeongin said.

Minho got up and stood in front of Jeongin, staring at him. Jeongin looked back at him, puzzled.

"What do you want?" Jeongin asked. "Why are you looking at me like that?"

Minho slowly wrapped his arms around Jeongin.  Jeongin was surprised at first, but later he relaxed and hugged him back.

"I'm really sorry for everything. I'm so sorry for being such a bitch." Minho said. "I'll try to be a better person from now on, I promise."

Jeongin smiled. "Its okay. Just don't do this again, okay?"

"I won't, I promise." Minho said, kissing Jeongin's forehead. "Now lets go make breakfast, okay?"

"Lets go." Jeongin agreed, and soon they both walked downstairs, and made some pancakes. They ate their breakfast and left a note for Hyunjin and Felix.

I'm going out to work, with Jeongin. You can do whatever you want, but don't make our house a mess. I've left some food for you in the fridge but you can also make instant noodles. Call me if anything happens.


When they reached the office, they were confused by the looks their employees gave them. There was a weird expression on each of their faces when they saw them. Jeongin asked the receptionist later what was going on and she answered.

"They know that you both are married." the receptionist said. Unable to hold herself any longer, she started asking questions, but he answered only a few before rushing to Minho's office.

"Minho, we got a problem." Jeongin said, rushing in like a hurricane.

"What is it? Did something happen?" Minho asked, worried.

"Yes. Those damn employees know that we are married." Jeongin said, panting.

"T-They do?" Minho asked.

"They do." Jeongin replied.

"Well, we can't do anything about that. Anyways, are the files completed?" Minho said.

"Yes, they are ready, and I've arranged a meeting with the chairman of Jeon Electronics, at 3 PM, 25th June." Jeongin said.

"Perfect. Here are the second set of files, from Jeon Electronics. Skim through them, do the work." Minho said, handing him a set of files. Jeongin took them and went off to his desk.

As he sat down and started doing his work, he felt a presence behind him. He turned around to see his cousin, Bang Chan, holding a cup of coffee in his hand and smiling.

"Good to see you too, Mr. Yang." he said as he patted Jeongin's shoulder.

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