Chapter 2

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(5 years later)

Jeongin was on his laptop as usual. He was applying for a job while his little sister was doing her Maths homework.

"Need help?" he asked, looking at her face.

"Yeah." she mumbled. "I have no idea whats going on."

"Jeongin!!" his mom's voice reached them. He got up and went to her saying, "What is it Mom?"

"I'm going out for some important business, so I need you to take care of your small sister okay?"

"Mom! What do you mean? I'm already 14!" she scowled. "I'm not a baby."

"Well, in my eyes you are." she said sternly. "Now I need to go, goodbye. Tell Felix to wash the dishes."

"Alright mom, goodbye." Jeongin said and watched her go, then closed the door.

"FELIX!!!" he shouted. "GO WASH THE DISHES!"

"ALRIGHT ALRIGHT." Felix shouted back. "Don't scream."

Jeongin went to his room and shut his laptop. He decided to scroll through Instagram as he had nothing to do.


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lee.felix_15  i dont have any captions in mind so just enjoy this pic lmao

bang_chan.24 damnnnn

yeon_jun.78 stop ur so handsome for what

lee.felix_15 bruh look whos talking

yeon_jun.78 its choi yeonjun whos talking u idiot

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Jeongin laughed at Yeonjun's comment and Felix's replies. Yeonjun and Felix had been friends for a long time, and even though Yeonjun was one year higher than Felix, they still kept in touch.

"Hey! Look! Look!" Felix said as he rushed in like a hurricane. He showed his phone's screen to Jeongin, and Jeongin read what it said, his eyes popping out.


"Yeah! There is some dangerous Mafia who pretends that he's an innocent citizen, and he's causing trouble now, thats why the police is saying to lock your doors and fasten your windows! That mafia person may come and attack you anytime!"

"Calm down for God's sake. And I don't really see how that's my concern, so I don't mind or care much. Good luck to the person whom he'll attack."

"You're so heartless." Felix shook his head and left the room.

But Jeongin would not have been so carefree if only he knew who the mafia would attack next.

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