Chapter 8

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Jeongin rushed inside the office, looking around for Minho. He saw an employee and made his way to her.

"Um, excuse me, I just wanted to ask, is Lee Minho here?" Jeongin asked.

The employee looked up. "Did you have an appointment with him sir?" she asked, taking out a tablet out of her bag.

"Well, not exactly, but he did call me to come to the office." Jeongin said. The employee shook her head.

"I'm sorry, but you aren't allowed to enter if you don't have an appointment with our boss. Its an-"

"Its ok, I called him myself." a voice came from behind. They turned to see Minho standing with his hands in his pockets. He came forward and said, "Jeongin doesn't need an appointment. He can come whenever he wants to. Besides," he whispered something to the employee and she nodded her head.

"Come." Minho said. Jeongin followed Minho to the elevator. Minho pressed a button and a few moments later the elevator doors opened, letting Jeongin and Minho to step inside the elevator.

"So why did you call me here?" Jeongin asked.

Minho looked at him and said, "I need to do a meeting for you with the employees and other people, since you're my secretary and I need to introduce you and stuff. I have an extra suit in my office, so you can quickly change into that and later I'll tell where the meeting will be held."

"Oh, okay. Sure." Jeongin nodded, feeling excited and nervous.

Jeongin followed Minho into his office, and Minho left him there to change. Minutes later, Jeongin came outside and remembered the instructions that Minho had given him about the location of where the meeting would be held. He walked through the corridor, tugging at the collar of his suit. It was a little tight, but it was okay, and besides, Minho didn't have any spare suits to give him except the one which he was wearing right now.

Five minutes later he reached the room where the meeting would be held, and he slowly opened the door, and saw thousands of people in the big room. He saw Minho too, and some other guy talking to him. But Minho looked distracted and was staring at Jeongin.

"Hey, where am I supposed to sit?" Jeongin asked Minho. 

"Oh yeah, sorry." Minho said. He put his right hand up and everyone stopped talking and sat down at a large and long rectangle table. Minho cleared his throat.

"First of all, I would like to say thank you to all of you for arriving at such a short notice." he said, looking around. "I would be pleased to announce that a new co-worker, Yang Jeongin. will be joining us."

Everyone clapped and smiled at Jeongin. Jeongin returned the smiles shyly.

"He will be my new secretary. I hope you all treat him well and show him the ropes. If anything confuses him, please help him, as he is new."

"Of course we will, boss. Don't worry about it." a employee in her early 30s said, and the others nodded. 

"Thank you." Minho said without a smile. "Now please return to your posts."

The room was filled with noise again as everyone exited the room. Some minutes later, only the two remained.

"So did you take a look around?" Minho asked.

"Yeah I did." Jeongin said. He raised his arms to stretch as a small yawn escaped his mouth. His shirt stuck to his body and Minho swore Jeongin's body was the hottest he had ever seen. That curvy waist, his abs, he would sell the world to take a look at his body one more time. 

"What are you staring at?" Jeongin asked, snapping Minho out of his thoughts.

"Uh, nothing." Minho quickly said, then got up. He looked at Jeongin and said, "What were you doing at home?"

"Nothing much, I was just about to go to sleep but then you called me, so I came here."

Minho nodded and left the room. Jeongin went out after some time and headed to the exit. He sat in the car and decided to drive to his Mom's house. Felix would be home by now, and it would be nice to give his family a surprise.

He went on his way and 45 minutes later he arrived. He got out of the car, a smile on his face as he saw his house again. He knocked on the door but there was no answer. He rang the bell 2 times but again there was no answer. He became agitated and knocked on the door as hard as he could. Still there was no reply. He banged on the door. He did everything he could but there was still no reply. 

"Damn it." he cursed, looking around, his hands on his hips. Finally he saw Felix's car park in the garage and he thanked the lord before stamping his feet and walking to Felix.


"Shut up. Don't yell so much The neighbours might hear you, y'know?" Felix said. "I was at Yeonjun's house, by the way. His brother Beomgyu returned from America, about two days ago I think."

"Mhm, cool." Jeongin said. "Anyways let me get in the house." 

"Okay, okay, calm down." Felix said as he took out his keys and unlocked the door and went in. Jeongin flopped down on the couch and closed his eyes. 

"Ah, this is much better." Jeongin said. "Hey, get me some drinks."

Felix cursed under his breath and went to the refrigerator, and got out a coke can. He handed it to Jeongin.

"Hyunjin goes to the same academy as me." Felix said. 

"Oh, he does?" Jeongin said. "Then there's much more chance of you two being in a relationship sooner or later."

"Shut up!" Felix said as he threw a pillow at him. "Its not that deep. We're just......friends, y'know?"

"Pfft, sure." Jeongin said, making Felix go wild with rage. 

And from there the war started, throwing pillows and shoes.

It really felt like home.

And Jeongin was glad about it.

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