The Perfect One, Chapter 7

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Gareth watched the unusual-looking mage he'd just hired walk down the street, curious about which way Gwn'itt would go. To Gareth's amusement, Gwn'itt started toward the docks, walked a dozen paces and turned back toward the market district. Clearly, his mother had been correct about Gwn'itt being new to the city.

With a smile, Gareth waved his hand over the door, setting both a physical and arcane lock over the entranceway. The new mage was unremarkable-looking, but was a sharp negotiator. Gareth looked forward to seeing how Gwn'itt would fare at the counter. His mother had been most correct; the shop needed someone like him . . . her . . . them? Someone like Gwn'itt!

Gareth stifled a sigh as he realized that Gwn'itt had been most correct about the pronoun thing. Only Gwn'itt's name fit as a pronoun. It would be cumbersome to adjust to, but worth it, if the knife that was still resting on the counter was any indication. Thoughtfully, Gareth turned to a display rack in order to showcase the knife. It was a fine piece. Gareth looked forward to having another mage who could enchant the custom items that The Djinn's Daughter was known for. Askil was growing in skill every day, but it would be months, if not years, before he had the arcane ability required to enchant items beyond the basic. With a smile, Gareth headed into the back room, to the Teleportation circle that would make it easier to teleport to his own room at home. The family was probably about ready to start eating dinner, and they would wait for Gareth.


The first day of employment brought nothing that Gwn'itt had expected. Still learning to navigate the city streets of Cinderfell, Gwn'itt took far longer to arrive at the shop than Gwn'itt wished to. Instead of being chastised for tardiness, however, Gwn'itt was greeted by the halfling Rowan's sunny smile as she carried a crate through the door. The rosy hues of a sunrise glinted off of her hair, making it seem redder than it really was. Gwn'itt hurried to hold the door for her and received a smile of thanks from the tiny woman in children's sorcerer's robes.

"Good morning!" Rowan grinned. "There is a plate of pastries and coffee in the back. Help yourself to breakfast; Mother is there to show you around. I promise, not every day begins in this chaos! It only happens when we first pull into port." She pointed to the left before carrying her crate off to the right of the door, into the showroom area.

"Gwn'itt! Good morning," called Windy as Gwn'itt turned, wondering where to go. "Come and get some breakfast." She sounded pleased to see Gwn'itt, which always put Gwn'itt off-balance. Those who'd welcomed the peculiar genasi had been few indeed, in Gwn'itt's experience.

Wondering over it, Gwn'itt complied and found that the back room was once again, not what was expected. The clutter of crates, racks, shelves and piles was expected, of course, as was the potion distillery. What surprised Gwn'itt was the table and chairs that stood off to one side of the cacophony of goods. The table had been set for a meal, which was laid out under covers designed to keep the food warm for extended periods of time. A carafe of coffee stood beside twin pitchers of milk and cream, nestled among the covered dishes.

"Our day begins so early here," Windy explained, uncovering dishes for Gwn'itt to choose from, "that we always have breakfast back here. This is my apprentice, Askil. Askil, this is Gwn'itt, who will be working with us from now on." Seated before a plate of half-eaten breakfast himself, Askil waved a greeting rather than speak with a mouth full of food. Windy also sat before a plate of food that was mostly gone. "Now that you're here, we can begin. I find that breakfast also gives us a chance to stay abreast of each other's tasks for the day. Usually, Gareth leads these meetings, but he's at the docks today, so it's a good day for you to merely gain your orientation around the shop, yes?"

Gwn'itt finished pouring a cup of coffee and sat the carafe aside. "If you wish, Madame. As your servant, I shall . . ."

"Oh, indeed not! Gareth didn't hire a servant, but a skilled artisan, Gwn'itt. Once you know your way around the business, I expect that we two shall be about equal in responsibility. Whatever you need to know, please ask. And I'm Windy; you may call me Mage Windy, if you feel the need of a title." She grinned then, and winked at Askil. "But if you insist on titles, I shall be forced to call you 'Mage Gwn'itt', and Askil here, 'Initiate Askil,' which is quite a mouthful.; just Windy, please."

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