The Perfect One, Chapter 22

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In the kitchen, Gwn'itt was startled to find a rather large group of people, either lingering over their own dinners or seeming to be waiting for those still dining as they chatted with the rest of the group. It was Ash's long-nailed hand that halted Gwn'itt's Seeming. "Don't," the tiefling fairly begged in a quiet voice as he threw his arms around Gwn'itt in a brotherly hug. "There's none here that you need to hide from."

Standing beside Gwn'itt, Gareth flashed a grin as Ash stepped away and added, "besides, I rather like seeing the real you."

Everyone within earshot nodded their collective agreement. "We all do," Talya added unnecessarily, then scolded Heth, who'd stolen her last bite of food from the fork she'd neglected to put in her mouth before speaking. Seated on Talya's shoulder as usual, the copper pseudodragon looked as if he were laughing over the prank, rubbing his tiny face against Talya's cheek affectionately.

Tomil, the cook, ushered Gwn'itt and Gareth to a pair of empty seats. "I'm merely pleased to see you home safe, no matter what you look like," the cook stated firmly. Twin bowls of stew were quick to follow the pronouncement.

"Thank you, Tomil, it smells heavenly," Gwn'itt murmured before speaking up to address the group. "Don't get used to seeing this, my friends, my form changes often. This is why I use Seeming in the first place."

Only Tomil and Hale seemed surprised. "Oh, we're well aware of that, my friend," Balin chuckled. "There isn't a caster among us who hasn't seen beyond your Seeming. Except Gareth, that is." Gwn'itt wasn't sure but thought Balin had added a comment about 'stubborn fools' under his breath as he elbowed Gareth in jest.

"Would have been nice to be clued in on that." Hale's amiable grumble brought a grin to those within earshot before he raised his voice to more conversational levels. "Gwn'itt, when did you start wearing a sword?"

Since the sword had always been present but never included in the image that Seeming presented, Gwn'itt only grinned, until sufficient swallowing allowed for the answer. "It was a gift from my sire, in the City of Brass. I think I was perhaps of my fifteenth year? When one is drained of magic, it is good to have a backup, especially in the Cinderlands, yes?"

"Especially now," Askil agreed from the far end of the table, beside Hale. "But to be fair, those lessons in martial casting that you gave me were sure put to good use, Gwn'itt. I'm glad you're home! Cinder City is a mess right now."

While Gwn'itt and Gareth ate, the group caught Gwn'itt up with all that had happened in the month that they'd been apart. After that, the discussion turned to the politics of Cinderland, imperial expansion, and other topics as the party gradually sought respective beds. Having slept for most of the day and after having been confined alone for so long, Gwn'itt had no desire to follow their lead. Long after even Tomil had given up and gone to bed, Gwn'itt and Gareth remained at the table, discussing an uncertain future.


Relaxed by the food and a moderate amount of wine, Gareth was lulled by the intimate conversation with Gwn'itt into revealing his fears and concerns over their future together. To his surprise, Gwn'itt appeared to shrug off Gareth's concerns.

"I am already as much of a 'household name' in Cinderfell- Cinder City- as I wish to be. We will reopen the shop in due time, together, and rebuild as necessary. As long as we are together, side-by-side in life and business, there is nothing else that I need. I was alone in life and starving before I met you and Motherly. No matter what happens to the shop or to your house, we can face this together, yes? Motherly, tell him this is so!"

Windy's voice startled Gareth as much as her form, stepping into the light of the sole, remaining torch that lit their corner of the room. She chuckled as she seated herself across the table from the conversant couple. "Gwn'itt has a point, Gareth. Sure, your father did all of those things for me, but it took a lifetime for him to do them; it didn't happen overnight, and certainly not before the wedding!"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 04, 2022 ⏰

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