The Perfect One, Chapter 3

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Almost a year after being abducted, Gwn'itt was once more summoned before Shad-Kasseir. "You have bested your teacher with a scimitar today. As a reward, I will grant you access to my library. Use it well."

Gwn'itt nodded respectfully in order to acknowledge it. "Master, may I have Aleban, to teach me to read Ignan in the afternoons, then?" His Ignan was clumsy still, stilted because Gwn'itt had been forced to learn on his own, to speak the language of the Efreet, aided only by Aleban's infrequent guidance.

Shad-Kasseir considered it. "You may, in the hopes that your speech will improve, Ignorant One. Go; begin now. Your speech is embarrassing."

Aleban proved a trying taskmaster, but Gwn'itt was determined to please the kindly old man. That determination worked against Aleban, however, for as soon as Gwn'itt was proficient in speech and literate as well, Aleban's services were no longer required, thus forbidden in the afternoons. Still, the library was Gwn'itt's to peruse, the texts a welcome escape from a nightmarish reality. Gwn'itt read voraciously, until a collection of spell books was discovered. Aleban was sought for advice.

To Gwn'itt's dismay, Aleban had not been able to join the adolescent in the library, but gave illicit advice whenever possible. As a mere Genasi, Gwn'itt could never hope to obtain the full power of the Efreeti, Aleban explained, but such power as Gwn'itt had, could be utilized and expanded through practice and study.

Memorizing spells, perfecting vocalizations and movement necessary for the casting of them, finding components; all of these were necessary for a wizard to obtain such power. Aleban recommended that Gwn'itt begin copying and recording spells learned into a private spellbook, to be kept on Gwn'itt's person at all times, even at night.

Gwn'itt took the advice to heart. Gwn'itt also found out, in attempting simple spells, that connecting with and harnessing the weave of elemental fire magic within took a focus that had to be learned and practiced. Once Gwn'itt mastered that, then the ability to learn and cast spells became possible. It also became easier to maintain the form that Gwn'itt wished to display.

From the first day in the City of Brass, Gwn'itt had searched for a way home, to the parents and siblings left behind. That way was found in Shad-Kasseir's own library, nearly four years after Gwn'itt was first allowed into it. Reading a spell called Plane Shift, Gwn'itt realized that it would be this spell to grant the freedom to return home.

Gwn'itt read the text on the ancient page, then read it again, excitement mounting. This passage would be the key for escape, after four years of captivity in the City of Brass! The only task Gwn'itt had left was to uncover a means for enacting it.

The adolescent sighed, reflecting on that captivity, and how it had come about. Though he'd sired Gwn'itt, Shad-Kasseir had not abducted his progeny because of any paternal affection, but solely because Gwn'itt was his. Indeed, in four years of captivity on the Plane of Fire, Gwn'itt had yet to hear Shad-Kasseir refer to Gwn'itt as his child in any way at all. Such was the way of the Efreeti.

Gwn'itt wondered once again about the family left behind before turning attention back to the text at hand. The spell required an unusual item for casting, and he'd seen several, made of different metals, in Shad-Kasseir's office. There was one each of brass, tin, zinc, lead, gold, iron and copper but Gwn'itt wasn't sure which one would be needed, so he sought out his old friend after shaking off the reverie of remembrance.

"It is good you asked, Young Friend," Aleban answered quietly, working in the garden as he did so, and trying not to appear as if he were actually conversing at all. "Each of those rods are attuned to different planes of existence, and you must choose the correct one, or you could find yourself in very much worse circumstances than you already are." He paused to straighten his back, then returned to his work. "You seek the rod for the Material Plane, which I happen to know is iron. It will be missed immediately, however, for it was taken from me, so whatever you do with it, you will need to do before you are discovered."

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