The Perfect One, Chapter 20

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Needing time to process all that had happened in a relatively short period of time, Gareth found himself in a little garden that Rowan had planted in a protected spot on the beach. Behind him, a solid, rock wall rose up to where the mage tower overlooked the ocean, blocking most of the prevailing wind. A single, iron bench had been painted to resemble the rock behind it, while low bushes on either side provided a modicum of privacy. The rhythmic roll of the surf and waves lapping at the beach offered a soothing noise that seemed determined to help one think, to lose track of time.

The torc lay heavily on Gareth's neck, reminding him of the promise of marriage he'd just made, hinting at the fire that simmered ever beneath Gwni'tt's careful control. Had it only been a few days, since he'd realized he was in love with Gwn'itt? The idea of marrying that particular mage both excited and terrified Gareth.

Everyone that Gareth had fallen in love with before had left him, one way or another. Gwn'itt would be no different, of course, and Gareth dreaded the day that it happened. Powerless to prevent the loss, or to stop himself from losing his heart, Gareth knew that he'd love Gwn'itt just the same, and that Gwn'itt would be the last that Gareth could bear to love.

The long-held and perplexing physical tension that Gareth had felt between them before they were separated had erupted unexpectedly into a passion that made Gareth want to marry Gwn'itt immediately, to make Gwn'itt his own. That privilege came with great responsibilities, however, which Gareth fully accepted but was unsure exactly how to fulfill. As Gwn'itt's husband, it would be Gareth's responsibility to protect his spouse and their household, to provide financially for his family, and to nurture Gwn'itt's personality as a person. All of this, Gareth's father, Gale, had done for Windy and the rest of his family.

The memory of Gareth's father made him smile. Gale hadn't simply parked Windy in a house and given her money to live on while he was at sea; he'd encouraged her skill and talents as a mage by purchasing the building for the shop and then encouraging her at every step she took to make her name practically a household word. Gareth wanted to do that for Gwn'itt, to see Gwn'itt grow as a person and as a life partner for as long as Gwn'itt chose to allow it. The problem was how to do that, with Cinder city in utter chaos, still.

Thoughts turned to the most recent events. Thinking Gwn'itt in desperate peril, Gareth had gone to rescue Gwn'itt, only to discover that in doing so, he'd ruined Gwn'itt's trap for the enemies that hounded Gwn'itt at every turn. Gareth felt foolish, embarrassed even, for thinking that Gwn'itt had been helpless.

Though Gwn'itt had been perfectly capable of dealing with the situation and despite Gareth's ruining Gwn'itt's plan, Gwn'itt had welcomed Gareth's aid, leaning on Gareth's support without a cross word about the interruption at all. In the end, Ash Toreth's assessment of Gwn'itt had been correct. Gwn'itt hadn't needed Gareth at all. Then again, neither had Gwn'itt wanted Gareth to leave, but seemed delighted that he'd come. Gareth's embarrassment faded when he remembered carrying Gwn'itt away from that Forcecage. Gwn'itt could have dealt with the brothers alone, but at what cost?

Learning of Gwn'itt's longstanding love for Gareth was a shock that Gareth was still trying to process. While Gareth had been in love with someone else, and when he'd been at his worst, Gwn'itt had silently loved Gareth, had supported and aided Gareth at the shop and then in healing, all without asking for anything in return, except to simply be there. It was a staggering concept, especially against the backdrop of a myriad of small conversations, joint projects and hurried breakfasts that they'd shared over the year and better that they'd worked together. In all of it, Gwn'itt had been an understanding and caring friend, offering encouragement, subtle support and gentle advice at every turn.

Gwn'itt had even trusted Gareth enough to ask Gareth's advice as Gwn'itt helped him to heal. That thought brought an audible groan of self-recrimination when Gareth remembered offering relationship advice. Going over the details of that day in his mind, Gareth thought that it should have been obvious to him then, but he'd been so wrapped up in his own pain, even a year after Brightly's leaving, that he hadn't seen what had been right in front of him. How he wished he hadn't been so blind!

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