Discussion Question 5

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How would you react if your beloved family member engaged in a lifestyle you disapproved of?

In the beginning of the chapter, Windy expresses quiet disapproval of Gareth's lifestyle choices, but assures him of her love anyway.  In real life, I know a committed Christian who, a few years ago, had her daughter finally admit that the girl her parents' thought was their daughter's best friend was actually the love of her life. They are married now and have a child.

My take:

Both this daughter and Gareth's character made me face some hard truths that many Christians refuse to even think about. God loves all of us, no matter where we are in life. He also calls us, His servants and children, to love others with His love. That means meeting people where they are, rather than where I think they should be. God is Judge, I am not. (If you think about it, it's literally the same concept as in the theism question at the beginning!) 

My friend's daughter is an integral part of her life, a girl who is almost the same age as one of my own daughters. Even though her choices don't exactly line up with what I would choose, or what I know Scripture says, I still choose to love and accept her as a person beloved of God.

Whether or not she turns to Him, or changes her lifestyle, that choice is hers to make. In fact, God gives her that choice and allows her to make it! My choice is to treat her with the love and respect that God wants me to show the world.


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