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hi everyone! how are we all?

obviously this isn't a chapter. however it is kind of important. it's about this book.

truthfully, i don't know how i'm feeling about the story anymore. i do want to finish the first four years on the ring, but after that, i'm a bit iffy? I'm not sure if that's the word. i don't know how i feel about the book overall anymore. i'm not as attached to the show as much as i used to be, but i do still love sayah n murphy with all my heart.

im unsure how to go about the book anymore, n im considering maybe finishing this book after the four years on the ring, and the rest of their journey can be up to you guys' imagination.

i have two teen wolf fics (a thiam one n a scisaac one) that i had been planning to publish, n also i may possibly start a daryl dixon fic for fun, so also let me know if that interests any of you.

im so sorry to let you guys down. the truth is i graduated a
couple of months ago n i've moved out of town to do uni. my mental health is okay, n the love i've had for the 100 is still there, but since it finished, it isn't as strong, n im not as attached anymore.

i'd like to know how you guys feel n what you'd want, but it's quite clear in my mind that after i finish year three n four in the
ring, i may just end sayah n murphy's story there.

i can give out fun facts about the book and sayah's character if you guys would like? n if there are any questions you have about her character or about the plans i had for her n murphy then feel free to ask here :)

but overall, please let me know how you guys feel. i love you guys n i really am sorry if this disappoints some of you but this is just how im feeling about this book now.

thank you all for the continuous love n support for this book.
— h.

(here's a meme just because i can)

^ me coming back w an update only for it to be me talking about how i believe i'll be ending this book soon

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^ me coming back w an update only for it to be me talking about how i believe i'll be ending this book soon

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