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   Murphy heard screaming as he sat locked up in an Ark room with his favourite person, Bellamy Blake. Just another day on the ground. He could've laughed if it wouldn't have seemed cruel to do.

   Bellamy's head turned to the sound. He recognised it. It was Raven. Raven, probably going through her surgery wide awake all because. . . of Murphy.

   "Yeah, that was me at the Grounder camp." Murphy sighed. "I did everything I could not to scream, but eventually—"

   "But eventually, you broke and you told them everything." Bellamy cut him off in annoyance.

   Murphy rolled his eyes. "I didn't get tortured for information. I just gave it to her—" He paused immediately.

   "Willingly." Bellamy reminded. "One grounder girl gets your blood rushing, and what, you spill everything?" He spat angrily. Murphy opened his mouth to speak but Bellamy beat him to it. "I'm not a traitor, like you. I didn't tell them where they could find us."

   Murphy scoffed. "They already knew before they had captured me. They were watching us as soon as we landed, Bellamy."

   Bellamy didn't reply for a moment. "Why'd you do it, Murphy?" He suddenly asked, catching Murphy off guard.

   Murphy swallows the lump in his throat, glancing around uneasily. "I'm not even really sure."

   Bellamy knitted his brows. "And what the hell is that supposed to mean?"

   "I don't know." Murphy snapped before sighing. "She—She's different from what most Grounders are like, she's. . ." He bit his lip. Bellamy listened intently as Murphy kept his gaze on the ground, mind elsewhere. "Generous. She cared."

   "She got under my skin." Murphy murmured.

   He wondered if it was the same for her.


   Sayah was hurting and running out of options. And also running out of breath.

   She didn't let herself rest for long, knowing that the longer she had a break, the more John could be dying, or suffering, or just plainly doing something stupid.

   She decided to go back and check his camp, hoping that maybe he didn't know or have anywhere else to go except there. She was wary, watching her step wherever she trudged, seeing fallen warriors and Reapers around.

   It was when she got into the main camp where her heart dropped.

   Ashes and skeletons littered the whole camp surrounding the ship. Skeletons of not only Reapers, but her people. Her lips parted and a shaky breath left her as she bent down and brushed her fingers lightly over a skull.

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