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   When Clarke returned from speaking to Heda, Sayah could tell something wasn't right. Maybe it was the way she held her hands clenched at her sides or the way her gaze fell on the ground.

   Sayah just knew. Something was wrong.

   People crowded around her, waiting for an answer. "What'd she say?" Abby questioned Clarke. "Is there a chance for a truce?"

   "Yes." Clarke responded.

   "What's wrong?" Finn questioned, recognising the crestfallen look on her face.

   Clarke was hesitant to answer but turned to him anyway. "They want you." She paused. "If we want a truce, we have to give them Finn."

   "What the hell are you talking about?" Raven knitted her brows.

   "That's their offer." Clarke explained.

   "That's not an offer." Raven argued.

   "It's a punishment." Finn met Sayah's eyes. "For what happened at the village."

   "Jus drien jus daun." Sayah nodded. "Blood must have blood."

   "That's insane." Bellamy shook his head.

   Sayah looked at him apologetically. "It is our way."

   "If we refuse. . ." Abby began.

   "They will attack." Sayah nodded. "No hesitation." Clarke confirmed her words, nodding in agreement.

   "I say we give him up!" A voice yelled.

   More joined in. "Get rid of him!"

   "Easy, people." The blonde guard, Byrne, tried to calm them.

   "Give him to the Grounders!" A man stepped forward. Raven turned to him, an angry expression on her face.

   "Back off!" She shoved him away. Sayah smirked at her protectiveness. She admired it.

   The man tried to retaliate but Bellamy pushed him away as Clarke pulled Raven away. "Raven! Raven. Listen to me." Clarke held her shoulders. "Nothing is gonna happen to him. I promise, okay?"

   Sayah watched as the crowd around them grew more furious, guards pushing them away as they drew closer.

   "I'm not dying for him." Another man spoke up loudly, taking a step towards them. "Spacewalker burned three months of oxygen from the Ark." He pointed at Finn. "He should've floated a long time ago. Throw him out!" The man shoved Raven a little and Sayah moved quickly, shoving him back angrily. "Hands off her," She ordered.

   The man snarled and went to punch Sayah but Sayah ducked in time. He growled in annoyance. "Why are they even letting a Grounder stay here?! Disgusting savage! Give them both up!" The man spat. Before Sayah could do anything, Raven stepped forward and punched the man in the nose.

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