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   "Way to go, Raven." Murphy's voice caught Sayah's attention as she descended down the stairs. His eyes met hers for a moment, his fingers pausing on the controls of the small toy car. She sent him a small smile, and he simply tilted his head, scanned her up and down and grinned back.

This wouldn't be easy, and they both knew it.

"Nuclear death wave: Forty two, and mankind: Zero." Murphy continued, eyes back on the small car, lips pulled together as he concentrated on ramming the tiny car into Sayah's legs. She chuckled as she jumped around it to avoid it. Murphy's lips turned up in a smirk.

"Nah, kind of busy actually." Murphy was speaking to Raven through the headset, Sayah assumed, still dodging the toy car's attempts to run into her feet. "Anyway, wouldn't want to be responsible for everyone in the world dying." Murphy added and Sayah paused in her spot, eyes on him with an annoyed glare.

Murphy, noticing how Sayah didn't move when the the small car drove directly into her feet, furrowed his brows before meeting her stern eyes. "What?" He mouthed.

"Saying things like that isn't very encouraging," Sayah spoke quietly. "Be nicer."

Murphy didn't reply instantly, only shrugged and stayed silent, listening to Raven through the headset. "Oh, that's me," He was replying to her. "Always going above and beyond the call of duty." Sayah had her eyes on the small car, avoiding it with ease as Murphy continued. "Speaking of, you keep starting with your fuel gauge at 75%. Maybe that's your problem."

It went silent and Sayah smirked up at Murphy when he tried to circle around her feet and ram into her, which failed as she jumped out of the way. He wasn't amused however as his head turned to the small rocket. "You okay in there?"

Sayah's smirk dropped and she glanced over to the rocket.

"You want me to wake up the doc?" Murphy asked, eyes on Sayah who was ready to grab Abby if need be. After a few seconds, Murphy was shaking his head at Sayah and she let out a small sigh.

"Sayah's with me." Murphy suddenly said, and Sayah hid her smile, still twirling around the toy car as it attempted to attack. "No, no. . ." Murphy was unusually quiet and Sayah stared up at him, wondering what the hell they were talking about.

Then he was grinning. "Not too sure, hard to read." His eyes were still on her and Sayah sent him a questioning look. He ignored it and spoke to Raven again. "Oh, definitely."

"What the hell are you two saying about me?" Sayah spoke up, slightly shoving the tiny car away as it rammed into her right foot. "The only time you two are getting along is because you're making fun of me?"

A smirk grew on Murphy's face at her confusion. "We're not making fun of you," A pause. "Raven is asking questions, I'm just answering them."

"Is she telling you to say that?"

A long second passed. "No."


Suddenly, the rocket began to power up again, and Sayah assumed Raven was starting up the simulation again. "28th time's the charm, right?" Murphy drawled.

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