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"It's been an hour since we passed the airplane wreckage." Jasper informed them all as they Rover shook and bounced around like a festival ride.

   Sayah hated this festival ride.

   "Seeing as we're using a map without any distances, it could be days before we reach Luna's village."

   "At least we know we're going in the right direction." Bellamy spoke deeply. Sayah watched Clarke looked out the passenger side window quietly, eyes shifting along as they passed several trees. Sayah wondered what she was thinking about.

   "We're running out of daylight." Jasper argued. "We should stop in the sun and recharge the battery."

   "What sun?" Clarke drawled, eyes glancing out her window. There was nothing but rain and dark clouds. "We keep going until it dies."

   "We keep going until we get to Luna." Octavia corrected and Sayah didn't miss the look exchanged between Bellamy and Clarke.

   "This her?" Jasper questioned, turning the book to face Sayah and showing her a portrait of the beautiful curly haired woman.

   "That's her." Sayah answered softly, eyes travelling over the detailed artwork, deep in thought.

   "What do you think she's going to say when we show up asking her to put an AI in her head?" Jasper asked aloud.

   "Lincoln said she helps those that are in trouble." Octavia explained sternly. "She'll help us too."

   "From what I remember of her, she was always kind-hearted." Sayah smiled to herself. "Generous." She smirked to Octavia. "She also is incredibly skilled. Her and I used to spar when I was younger."

   "I bet she dropped you on your ass plenty of times." Bellamy spoke up nonchalantly from the driver's seat.

   Sayah leaned over and backhanded him in the head lightly before sitting back down in her spot, an embarrassed smile on her face. "She did many times, I admit." She felt heat rise to her cheeks quickly before it faded away. Sayah's eyes wondered away as her mind followed.

   She remembered visiting Luna, and they had sparred. Luna had won, of course, and the two girls decided to relax after. Sayah remembers running her fingers through Luna's curly hair as Luna rested in her lap, telling her jokes and making her laugh. Luna had such soft hair, and a smile that could make Sayah's widen.

   Suddenly, Sayah was jerked to the side as the Rover stopped adruptly. Bellamy let out a sigh. There was another log in the middle of the road.

   "You think she can help us find a better map?" Jasper remarked and Octavia rolled her eyes.

   "Backtrack," Bellamy muttered. "Find somewhere where the trees aren't so bad."

   Sayah watched, a bored expression on her face as Octavia leaped out of the back door of the Rover. "Hey!" Sayah heard Bellamy call out but Octavia was already gone.

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