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TW: Slight mention of sexual abuse/rape.


  It had been two days since Finn had murdered innocent villagers from Sayah's village. When they got back, Sayah didn't speak to Murphy for a while but eventually when she found out what really happened, she came back to him.

She knew what happened wasn't what Murphy had wanted and he had tried to stop it. And she also would remember that Murphy was . . Murphy. A part of her would never truly forget that he could be bad. But they all were. They all had their monsters. Finn's monster just didn't seem to care.

Sayah avoided Finn, tried her best to anyway. It was hard seeing him, watching him act like what he had done was nothing when it wasn't. It had put everyone on edge. Especially Clarke.

When they had gotten back, Sayah was expecting to be locked up again despite the protests of Murphy, Octavia, Bellamy and Clarke. However, Abby had allowed her freedom, letting her roam and reminding Sayah to report any discrimination or something.

Sayah learned to ignore the amount of stares she got. The disgusted ones, the interested ones, the fearful ones. They had once gotten under her skin, but Murphy was always there to question someone's staring with a snarky remark. She appreciated it.

She also helped to provide any information to Clarke and Bellamy about what she knew of the Mountain Men, helping their plan in getting out the other 47 delinquents out of Mt. Weather.

That was where she was now, sitting down at a small table with Bellamy and Clarke as they discussed a plan, map in front of them.

"Okay, tell me again." Bellamy told Clarke.

"Its a labyrinth." Clarke explained, glancing between Sayah and Bellamy. "We got to the dam through this tunnel," She pointed to it with a pencil. "It's all connected to the mine system. That's our way in."

"Sure, if you can get past the Reapers and the Mountain Men." Sayah sighed.

"I swear to God," Bellamy sighed, looking to Clarke. "If your Mom doesn't sanction a mission soon, I'm going by myself."

"You won't be by yourself." Clarke told him. Sayah nodded along with her in agreement.

Sayah followed Clarke's gaze, where Murphy and Finn approached them, walking out of the Ark. Bellamy turned to look at them too. "Guess the inquisition's over."

"How's Finn doing, anyway?" Bellamy questioned Clarke, turning back towards her.

"I haven't talked to him since we got back." Clarke admitted. Sayah scoffed. "I'd say that's for the best." Sayah said to Clarke. Clarke shot her a look.

Sayah didn't look apologetic. "My personal opinion."

"I don't know what to say." Clarke added. "He just kept shooting. . ."

Sayah noticed Finn making his way towards them. "I wish you luck," She muttered, gesturing to Finn before standing up and leaving the two. She didn't really want to be around him.

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