Chapter 15 - The Letter

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We both wake up and take a shower to together.

We wash our bodies as I wash my hair. Mattheo turns me around so my back is facing his front. Then he massages my head as I let out a small moan.

His hands sneak down to my waist as he hold them. He then begins to give me hickeys on my neck as I gasp.

He then begins to kiss me and he bits my lower lip asking for access to my mouth. I open my mouth as he puts his tongue in my mouth. As we keep in kissing.

We get out of the shower as I put on a white skirt along with a white collard shirt with my Slytherin tie.

Mattheo just wears some black jeans with a black turtleneck and some silver rings. We head to class as we had transfiguration.

I walk in as I see Aron sitting alone. Professor McGonagall begins to speak "y/n dear please sit beside Aron so we can begin the lesson."

I give him a death stare as I walk to my seat beside him. Mattheo had DADA that was the only class we never had together. Which was ok until I found out that Aron was in my class.

He gives me a smirk as I sit down. As the class begins he puts his hand in my thigh as I gasp. I move his hand away as I feel uncomfortable, but he quickly puts his hand back on my thigh.

I whimper as he grips my thigh hard. I whisper to him "get your hand off of my thigh." "Or else what?" Aron says smirking once again.

I get up from my seat and leave the classroom without a notice. I head to DADA to look for
Mattheo, as I make my way there I arrive.

Mattheo is nowhere to be seen. I see Draco as I approached him. "Hey Draco, where is Mattheo?" "What the fuck are you doing here? You could get in trouble." He says looking worried.

"I know that's why I need to make this quick. So where is Mattheo?" I say curiously. I see Draco run his tongue along the inside of his cheek.

"He is in his dorm why?" He says looking angry. "Ok thanks bye!" I say leaving DADA and heading to Mattheo's dorm.

"Hey," I say. He looks at me with a slight smile along with a small tears forming in his eyes. He walks towards me hugging me as I hug him back. Why was he hugging me? Yes it was nice, but I knew something was wrong.

Mattheo's POV

I decided to skip classes for today. As I Enter my dorm, a owl arrives at my window as I take the letter as the owl flys away. It was my fathers owl, I begin to read the letter.

After I finished reading the letter I begin to get really mad. Until y/n enters my dorm.

Y/n's POV

He then begins to kiss me as I kiss him back. He pulls away saying. "I will be right back, stay here ok?" He says heading to his bathroom as I hear the shower turn on. I guess he wanted to shower alone this time. But I do as he says and stay in his dorm.

I am looking around his dorm as I see a letter in his trashcan. I walk up to it, and take the note out.

I begin it read it, it reads...

"Dear son,

You need to kill y/n by the end of the week
Figure it out I don't care if you have to kill, destroy or break her heart but you have to kill her
Fulfill your task or I will kill her myself

- Your Father Voldemort"

My heart sank reading the letter. I see Mattheo enter the room. He sees the letter in my hand and his eyes widen.

"What the fuck is this letter?" I say with tears in my eyes. "Y/n please let me explain," he says I nod my head.

"Ok so basically before you were born your parents were death eaters, and after you were born they tried to kill my father Voldemort. But that failed so my father waited until you were older about 3 years of age until he killed your parents for betraying him and stopped being death eaters. He wanted me to kill you so that we would end you family and their bloodline. But I would never try to kill you." He explains

"Well why didn't you kill me when you had the chance?" I say looking at him, as he looks down.

"Because," he says. "Because... what?" I say looking at him.

"Because-?" I say but get cut off by him.


I am shocked, speechless,but at the same time really happy.

"You love me?" I say, "yes y/n I have loved you ever since you came to Hogwarts. I loved everything about you, especially when we had sex. But I love you y/n." He says.

"I love you too," I say smiling. He looked at me and just smiles.

Mattheo's POV

I just told the girl I loved that I love her. Well at least she likes me back so it's not awkward.

I smash my lips into hers. We begin to make out, until...

Y/n's POV

Mattheo smashes his lips into mine as we begin to make out. He then puts me in the bed without breaking the kiss.

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