Caden's visit.

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                I pulled my shirt on, rolling up the sleeves to my shoulders. The coolness of the locker room felt nice against my hot body. My skin felt sticky from the layer of sweat that still remained on it. I ran a hand through my damp hair, breathing in deeply.

                Beside me, Rodger was spraying deodorant into his pits. He left his shirt off, staying in his soccer shorts and sneakers.

                I put my bag back into the locker, clicking the lock shut. I leaned against the wall, waiting for Rodger to finish up.

                “That was brutal today.” He mumbled, tying his shoes.

                I nodded, exhausted. “We’re not cross country, why the hell did we have to run so much?”

                “Cause we ‘need to improve our speed’” Rodger said, imitating Coach’s voice, poorly.

                I laughed. “Hey man, I have to go talk to Coach before we go.”

                “I’ll meet you by the car.”

                I took off, walking over to the Coach’s office. There was a room deemed ‘athletic offices’ near the locker rooms. Four desks were set up for the four main coaches at our school. All other coaches were given a draw in the filing cabinet for anything.

                I walked into the office, heading over to Coach’s desk in the back corner. He sat resting his chin in his hand, playing solitaire on the computer.

                “Hey, Coach.” I said, getting his attention. He raised his eyes from the screen, locking with my own.


                “I won’t be here for practice tomorrow.” I said, feeling my face heat up.

                “And why not?”

                “I uh….” Embarrassment flooded over me. “Mrs. Stein said there’s a meeting for the play tomorrow…”

                Coach frowned, “You’re missing practice for some play?”

                “Well… yeah.” I stumbled over my words. I looked away from his eyes, staring at the computer mouse on the desk.

                “Mase, I’ve known you for three years now. You’re not an actor. Whatever girl is in this play will appreciate you more if you kick ass on the soccer field.”

                “It’s not just that, Coach. I’m failing Drama and you know if I fail two of my classes I’m off the team. I need the extra credit for my team’s sake.”

                Coach sighed, “You can’t be serious.”

                “I unfortunately am.” I bit my lip nervously. He was not taking this as easily as I had imagined.

                “I’ve known Stein for years.” He said “She’s going to expect the determination that you aren’t going to want to give. She’s going to cut into your soccer time.”

                “I can’t afford to fail this…”

                “What if I got you a tutor?”

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