Deal or No Deal

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It was not going to be a good day, I could already tell.

                I walked into school, mostly soaked. The rain hadn’t started until I had reached my bus stop. Of course all the other kids were smart enough to bring umbrellas or stood underneath something to protect themselves but I.

                Leah’s eyes landed on me as I walked to my locker. I avoided her gaze, spinning the dial open. I dropped my bag into it, grabbing the books I needed for the morning.

                “Forget to take your clothes off in the shower this morning?” She smirked, leaning against the locker next to mine.

                I rolled my eyes, “I’m not in the mood, Leah. Not today.”

                She raised an eyebrow, “I was only teasing you, Mase.”

                “I know, Leah, but seriously, I’m just not in the mood for anything today.” I sighed, closing my locker. “I have to go to Stein’s room. I’ll see you later.”

                She nodded, giving me a strange look. “See you later.”

                I walked away on my own.

                I tried to avoid people that I hung out with as I walked there, searching instead for others I had seen in the audition last night.

                I came across no one.

                The light was on in the room as I walked down the hallway, coming to a stop. I took a deep breath before pushing the door open with my hand.

                A collection of students already sat in the desks, their eyes on me as I walked in. Stein looked up, not as interested as the others were. She handed me a sheet of paper before turning her attention back to the book before her.

                I glanced down at the title.

                Les Misérables.

                The name was unfamiliar to me.

                I took a seat in my normal spot in the back, the only one. Everyone else seemed to be pushed forward, reading over the sheet. I glanced down, taking in the words.

                A few other students filed in as the minutes passed. I was beginning to wonder if there was any point to being here when Stein suddenly stood up, clearing her throat.

                There was a shuffling of papers as attention was turned on her. I leaned back in my seat, crossing my arms over my chest.

                “Good morning.” She greeted. A few people returned the greeting. I wasn’t one of them. “The paper I handed out to you was, as I said before, the part that we’re going to be reciting for your audition.”

                I glanced back down, refreshing my mind with what was happening in the scene.

                “I want three people to come up and act out Phantom-who will also read Andre’s lines as well-, Carlotta and Christine. I’ll speak Meg’s one line.”

                Hands shot up instantly. I glanced around, preferring to see someone else go first than to risk it myself.

                Stein pulled three people close to her desk forward. “I understand that it is only one male part in this, but boys I want you to be comfortable acting as a girl. I will try to narrow it down so that only a few of you have to though, since there are more girls.”

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