Almost Ready

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                I didn’t see Rose much for a few weeks.

                Soccer had come to a close, despite one weekly Saturday practice to keep us in shape. Coach didn’t see a reason to continue if we had nothing to practice for. None complained. The Saturday practices had started to become more of a scrimmage between teams. Coach didn’t seem to mind either. A few times he would join in and play along with us.

                It was a nice break from the intense practicing we had done through-out the year.

                The play had started to consume more and more of my time as we neared opening night. I still hadn’t told Joey about this, claiming that I had soccer. Guilt tugged at the back of my mind for lying, but I knew I would never live it down if she knew I was in a play.

                Even if she’d only see me in the chorus parts.

                Stein had started to only focus on the actual cast, forgetting about the rest of us. Most of the understudies and parts of the chorus dancers sat in the back of the auditorium, only coming to say we came. Almost everyone left by four, an hour earlier than supposed to.

                I knew my parts, but I also knew Pierce wouldn’t miss the play if his life depended on it.

                Since Rose had gotten an actual part, she was forced to stay longer and rehearse. I tried to wait for her in the beginning, but it made me sick to watch Pierce flirt with her. Rose was good about trying to avoid him, but somehow he always managed to catch her at the end of the rehearsal.

                If that wasn’t enough, Stein seemed to always want to go over the kissing scene.  Thankfully, Pierce didn’t play Raoul, but it infuriated me to have to watch her kiss the other actor every day.

                Thankfully, I still managed to get all of her attention in Drama class and in study hall. I hadn’t asked the question for her to be my girlfriend, but I couldn’t wait to. I knew now would be a bad time. She had almost all her attention focused on either her academics or her theater.

                It was now Thursday, the day before opening night.

                As I walked out science, I felt an arm sling around my shoulders. My head turned to the side to see my best friend grinning at me.

                “Are you nervous?”

                I tilted my head back, groaning, “Shut up, Rodger. No I’m not nervous.”

                “Tomorrow’s opening night!”

                “I don’t have a damn part.” I shoved him off of me, laughing.

                “Then what’re you doing in the play?”

                “I’m in the chorus.” I shrugged, stopping at my locker to grab a few books.

                “Getting shown up by your woman?” He shook his head tsking me, “That’s not a good thing. You have to be the man, Johnson. Show her whose boss.”

                “You’re such a dick.”

                He shrugged, crossing his arms, “That’s how I get all the ladies.”

                “What ladies?” Leah snorted, coming up behind us.

                “You.” Rodger wrapped an arm around her waist, pulling her against him. She giggled, giving him a quick hug, before pulling back.

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