Chapter 16

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Josh POV:

I got this text from Lexy and it worried me so much. I ran straight home and paced up and down for ages. Then I heard the door click open. I ran out into the hall to see Lexy and Paige. We all hugged. Lexy put Paige down and we went into the kitchen.

"If he had hurt you I would have killed him!"

"J, bae, I spoke to him, I get why, I understand everything now."

"Well I don't so start talking!"

"He has mental illnesses."


"So? Do you not see Josh? he just wanted me to listen. That's why he took Paige."

"You seem to have forgotten the part where he raped you."

"No I haven't but trying to deal with one mental illness is hard trying to deal with two must be hell."


"Josh just be happy that we're both safe and LJ is behind bars again."

"Oh believe me I am."

"Let's make dinner."

Lexy POV:

The door clicked again and Mum and Sam came in.

"Hello baby girl." She was oddly silent. I hugged her.

"What's wrong princess?"

"Who said anything was wrong?"

"Sam, upstairs, now!" Sam sighs miserably but goes upstairs. I follow her. She looks back at me.

"My room." I tell her. In my room she sits on the bed.


"What have I told you about keeping things from me." I say gently

"I'm not keeping things from you Lexy." Wow that is the first time she's called me Lexy since I adopted her. I brush it off.

" I know when you're lying."

"I'm not lying to you."

"Okay let me show you something." I go under my bed and pull out a photo album. I pick out a picture of Mum.

"This is your Nan when she started working on Disney."

I pick out one of me from when Mum first adopted me "This is me."

"And?" Sam questions.

"And I don't want you to be like this Sam. Look at us, look in our eyes in those pictures, you can see the fear. We were both keeping secrets from our families and we both ended up in treatment facilities, I want better than that for you but if you start keeping things from me you'll end up just like us, in a treatment center for an eating disorder, or worse."

"So I can't have a private life then?"

"Yes you can but you need to tell me when you're feeling down and stuff like that... it's not like you to be so quiet when you come in."

"You're not even my Mum!" Ouch that hurt.

"look I'm not going to lecture you okay I just don't want you to have to deal with things alone."

"Can I go now?"

"Yes" She ran into her room. I held back tears and went downstairs.

"What's up babe?"

"Sam just yelled at me."

"What she say?"

"That I'm not her Mum, and she called me Lexy."

"Right I'm going to speak with her."

"No it's okay."

"No it's not you're upset and it isn't right."

Josh POV:

I went up to Sammy's room and knocked on the door. "It's Dad, can I come in?"

"Sure." I went in and sat next to her on the bed.

"Mum told me what happened, what you said really upset her."

"It was the truth."

"No it wasn't."

"Yes it is, she's not my Mum."

"No but she took you on when you were about four years old she's as good as... and do you know what, you're 'real Mum' just gave you up, she didn't care about you, it was Lexy that cared, she's you're Mum by actions and by law."

"I just feel like she's so clingy all the time."

"She just wants to look after you, if you had gone through everything she has gone through you wouldn't want the same for your kids."

"Depends what she went through."

"It was bad Sammy believe me it was so bad."

"I love you Sam and your Mum, Lexy, loves you too."

"Sometimes I wish she had more time for me."

"So go tell her she will listen." Sam got up and went downstairs.

Sam POV:

I go downstairs and see Mum crying on Nan's shoulder. She looks up.

"I'm sorry Mum" I whisper. She comes and hugs me, I hug her back.

"It's okay sweetie."

"No it's not Mum, I was rude to you."

"It doesn't matter."

"Can we talk?"

"Sure baby girl." We go into the living room and Mum sits on the sofa. I half sit on her lap.

"What's u... no you go first." She changes her mind.

"I want to spend more time with you, I know you're busy with work and the little kids but I just want some me and you time."

"I have a few weeks off work starting next week and you're birthday's coming up soon, how about we go do something, just me and you?"

"Can we have the kiddies come out with us on my birthday?can we go to the zoo for my birthday?"

"Sure, you and I could go clothes shopping or something this weekend?"

"Roller World?"

"Sure honey we can do Roller World." I hug my Mum.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

Lexy POV:

"Let's go see if dinner's done." We go out into the kitchen to find lasagne is being dished up.

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