Chapter 1

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Authors note: the photo is what I imagine Sammy to look like.

Lexy POV:

It has been a few years since the accident which left me in a coma. A few months after I came out of the Coma LJ broke up with me and now I've been going out with Josh for roughly four years now. I still live at home with my Mum who has just celebrated her 29th birthday and of course my wonderfully annoying naughty little sister Gia aged 10.

I was getting ready to go out with Josh when Mum came into my room.

"Gia says you yelled at her for asking for help with her homework."

"Since when does Gia do any of the homework her teachers set her?"

"You still don't need to shout at your sister!"

" and I supose it was my fault she got suspended last week as well was it?"

"Lex don't be like that!"

"don't be like what?" I calmed down a little now.

"You know what baby girl."

"I'm sorry Mum but Gia honestly did not come into my room and ask for help with her homework because if she had I would have helped her."

"That's all I needed to hear." The doorbell went I went down to answer it. It was Josh.

"Hey babe."

"Hey georgous." Josh replied before we had a quick kiss and a hug.

"Mum Josh is here I'm going out okay?"

" don't get back too late okay."

"Yeah okay." I smile up at Josh and we left.

Josh POV:

I took Lexy to this lovely little resturant just outside of town after that we went for a walk along the seafront and an ice cream.

"Thanks babe it's my turn to pay for lunch next time okay?"

"That will never be okay, the man treats the lady remember."

"Yeah whatever, I'm paying next time."

"we'll see." Josh laughed. We've been dating for four years and he still doesn't realise how stubborn I am.

"Hey you wanna come with me to pick up Sammy? I know she can't wait to see you again." I'm a year older than  Lexy and when I was sixteen my  ex girlfriend Mia became pregnant hence Sam. Mia and I split up just after Sam was born and even though Mia is Sam's Mum I look after Sam 99% of the time and she lives with my Mum and I but right now my four year old is spending time with Mia.

"Sure." Lexy replied. "We're gunna have to tell my Mum about her soon then you don't have to keep leaving her with your Mum when you come pick me up and stuff." We got in my car and I drove down to Mia's. Mia and I don't get on that well but on the rare occasions that she sees Sam we make an effort to get on.

Lexy POV:

"You want me to come with?" I asked as we pulled up outside of his ex's place.

"No it's fine I can handle Mia." Josh shrugged getting out of the car and going up to the door. I watched him out of the car window. Mia appeared at the door holding Sam who she kissed before handing her and her things to Josh and watching Josh walk up to the car before shutting her front door. Josh opened the car door and strapped Sam into the booster seat which was secured on the back seat.

"Lexy." Sammy smiled.

"Hey sweetheart did you have a good time with Mummy?"

"Yeah we had a picnic."

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