Chapter 6

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Demi POV:

"Yes of course come in officer Swann." I led them through to the sitting room Lexy following quietly behind me.

"Coffee?" I ask politely.

"White two sugars thank you Miss Lovato." I nod and leave my daughter in the sitting room with officer Swann.

Lexy POV:

"So can you tell me what happened last night?" God he doesn't beat about the bush does he.

"My ex boyfriend Leonard-James Bryer-Connor raped me." I whispered my voice emotionless as I spoke.

"Where did this happen?"

"At a party hosted by a family friend."

"Was the person in question invited?"

"No Miss Gomez the host of the party doesn't even know LJ."

"Tell me what happened." Mum brought in a coffee and left us to it.

"Well my Mum, her friend and I had just been speaking to Miss Gomez and I wanted to go catch up with a mate of mine Joe Jonas because I hadn't seen him in a while and he is like a brother to me. I found Joe and spoke to him for a bit before going to find Justin Bieber because I hadn't seen him in a while but in the process someone wearing a mask came and dragged me away somewhere I'd never been before. He lifted up his mask and I realised it was LJ. He was mad but I never thought he would hurt me. Once I realised what he was going to attempt to do I tried to run but there was no where to run and he stripped me of my clothes. Once he was done he forced my clothes back onto me and suddenly I was back at the party. I brushed the incident off when my Mums friend Kristen Stewart came over and asked if I was okay. We spoke for a little then I came home and went to bed but I had nightmares so I wrote my Mum a note and went to Aunt Dallas's place. I told her what happened and she called my Mum who wanted to call you there and then but I wanted to wait until I had told Zoey LJ's sister because even though LJ and I split up we remained close and she called the police and encouraged me to report her brother." I broke down at the end.

"You want your Mum in here?" I nodded pathetically and officer Swann called my Mum in. Mum rushed to me and held me silently in her arms.

"Is it fair to say that you were very close to everyone at the party?"

"Yes Justin,Joe,Selena,Miley and Kristen are all good friends of the family and I knew almost everyone there."

"What was your relationship like with the person in question?"

"We had a good relationship. He was excellent with Gianna my sister and has a younger sister of his own..."

"So you were pretty close then?"

"Yes we were. Until my accident."

"The accident where you lost all your memories of the suspect?"

"Yeah, I couldn't even remember Gia or my Mum let alone any 'boyfriends' I remembered him eventually though. One month before he dumped me."

"did it make him mad that you couldn't remember him."

"Deffinately frustrated him. Mad. No. I've seen mad people. He wasn't mad nor angry."

 "Am I right to believe you have now moved on?"

"Yes his name is Joshua Dalton."

"He has a daughter am I correct?"

"Yes Samantha Haillie Dalton. Josh is trying to get her mother to sign the adoption papers so I can adopt her."

"Did Leonard-James ever see you three together?"

"Once. But he seemed happy for us."

"So there's no way he could have been jealous?"

"I don't know he's changed. He used to be an alright guy but he's messed up now even his sister admitted it." Officer Swann's radio started talking (Italics is the radio talking)

"A report has come through about a Leonard-James Bryer-Connor being harassed by a Miss Alexa Lovato how long are you gunna be officer Swann?"

Officer Swann pressed a button on the radio and started talking.

"I'm with the person in question now she has reported Leonard-James Bryer-Connor for rape do not follow up on Leonard James's story I have reason to believe it isn't true."

"Okay officer Swann I'm leaving this one with you."

"I trust you heard that, Lexy when was the last time you contacted the suspect prior to the incident?"

"I can't remember it must have been three years ago just after we split up because I haven't even heard from him until he decided to violate me yesterday... I lost my verginaty last night you realise that officer Swann?"

"That I realise Miss Lovato."

"Hang on Lex didn't you say your dad used to hit you and worse?" Mum interupted.

"Yeah but he never... you know...raped me..."

"Oh okay I just wondered if that was what you meant by and worse."

"What did you mean by and worse Alexa?" Officer Swann asked trying to get me to trip up over my story making sure I wasn't lying which I wasn't.

"Strangle me,  tread on me, throw stuff at me all the really bad stuff no one talks about but I always managed to get away before he raped me although he came very close to suceeding once or twice."

"Well thank you Miss Lovato if we have any more questions I'll get back to you I just want you to know I believe you."

"Thank you officer." I replied before getting up to let him out. I came back in and sat next to Mum on the sofa.

"I'm so proud of you baby girl you handled that shit well."

"I'm used to handling shit remember? I always had to before you came along."

"Babe you aren't alone now... why don't you call Josh hey?"

"Sure thanks Mum."

"Any time Bubs."

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