chapter 10

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Gia POV:

I waited at the airport for Lexy. I knew she'd be mad at me when she found out why I'd left Mum. Finally I saw my sisters red car pull up she got out leaving the kids in the car and strode towards me.

"What the hell do you think you are doing!" She yelled through gritted teeth as she grabbed me by my denim jacket and pulled me and my luggage towards her car.

"Get in!" She yelled chucking my bag in the boot. "Gia get in!" She yelled again. I slid quickly in the back of her car next to Sammy.

"I suggest you phone Mum and let her know you're safe and then you can explain to me what the fuck is going on." She looked at the kids through her mirrors

"Neither of you repeat that understood?" All three of them nodded. We got in and Sammy took the younger ones upstairs, Lex dragged me into the kitchen and slammed the door.

"You have some explaining to do young lady! Why didn't you tell Mum you were coming? What is wrong with you G? Are you crazy? Why would you put Mum through that?"

"I...I spoke to Mum...a...about tracing my...b..biological parents...w...we...h...had a...a...f...fight... I...l...left..."

"Are you surprised G? I mean seriously? she took you in treated you as her own! Stuck up for you when you were naughty... Helped you through your shit! She loved you like her own and this is how you fucking repay her! I'm not surprised she was upset! I'm shocked and disappointed in you G! I thought you would have been a bit more diplomatic, Mum fucking saved your arse from my biological Dad she fucking fought for you when your Aunt wanted you to be removed from her care she put her career on the line for you and you wonder why she was hurt when you asked her about your biological family she must have been fucking mortified!"

Lexy POV:

I really laid into my sister. Gia just stood there whilst I yelled at her. Part of me wanted to hug her and tell her I was sorry and I didn't mean what I said, the other part of me wanted to throttle her.

"W...w...well..d...d...don't you wonder about your family?"

"no I fucking do not! My parents were bastards and my little sister killed herself, I ended up in care, I had a load of shit going on, I was fucking messed up in the head, Mum adopted me, I tried to hide my problems from her but that didn't fucking work, I got better, I relapsed, I went into treatment, Mum adopted you,you hated me, Mum and I saved your arse from my biological Dad when he broke in, he went back to prison, I met and went out with LJ, you took up all of Mums time and attention, she felt bad and took me out for lunch, we ended up crashing, I was in a coma,I woke up and couldn't remember a thing, LJ split up with me, We went on tour with Mum, I met Josh, Josh and I started dating, I found out about Sammy, you played the fuck up at school, I found out I was bullimic, Mum got me through another shit part in my life, I went to a party, LJ raped me,Auntie Dally and Mum were there for me, Zoey called the police, LJ was arrested and locked up, I told Josh I was raped, found out I was pregnant with the twins two months after I was raped, I adopted Sammy, Josh and I moved to England and I got an acting job... Mum was there for me no matter what and My biological family have either disowned me or wanted me dead!"

Gia broke down in tears and it made me feel really bad. "Oh G come here I didn't mean to make you cry but I couldn't lie to you and you need to know how upset Mum is." I pulled my crying sister in for a hug.

"I...I'm sorry Lex." Just then Ryder ran in and tugged on my jumper.

"Yes Ryder?"


"Not now little man."


"Go on Lex." Gia whispered.

"No Ryder not now."


"No. Auntie Gia and I are talking." That was it Ryder had kicked off.

"Stop it right now Ryder." I said firmly.

"not fair!" he screamed.

"Life isn't fair now go play with your sisters you can have cuddles later."


"Time out dude!" I instructed and I picked up my screaming little boy and placed him in the time out spot. He kept moving and I kept placing him back. After ten minutes of placing him back he finally stayed still and quiet for three minutes.

"You were placed here for not listening to Mumma say you're sorry." I bent down to look him in the eye as I spoke quietly to him.

"Sorry Mamma." He whispered a tear running down his face. I wipe away his tear and give him a hug.

"Good boy." I smile. "Now come talk to me little dude then when your Auntie Gia has finished on the phone we'll go get the girls and play in the pool." I pick Ryder up and carry him into the 'quiet' room.

"Now little dude talk to Mumma... what's wrong? you were so happy this morning now you're grumpy."

"Shouty Mamma people shouty at me."

"When did people shout at you baby boy?"

"all time."

"Who does ?"

"Paigey, Daddy and Mamma."

"When did Paigey shout at you honey?"


Ryder POV:

Me go into the playroom and start playing spideyman. Paigey play with Sam Sam and pushed me over. "Paigey that hurt!"

"Aww you gunna tell Mumma?"

"Paigey say sowy."

"No! God you such a baby Rydie." Paigey walk off Sam Sam come pick me up. Me is crying.

"Don't cry Rydie." She says wiping tears from my eyes.

"Paigey says me a baby! Me not a baby Sam Sam."

"I know Rydie. Paigey just gets jealous because you're Mumma's special boy."

"Me spwecial?"

"Yeah Rydie you're very special." Sam Sam smiles an go to the drawing pad.

"Come draw with me Rydie." I toddle to Sam Sam. My eyes are sad and start to leak again. Sam Sam pulls me on to her lap. "Paigey will get over herself Rydie just remember that sometimes people say things they don't mean. Myself and Paigey included."

*The present time*

Lexy POV:

"Paigey call me a baby. Dadda say me need to be good like Paigey and Mamma shouty when me ask for uppy." I instantly felt gulity when my son told me that.

"Honey sometimes Mumma's and Dadda's and sisters say things they don't mean if they are busy. I was talking to Auntie Gia when you asked for cuddles so I said no but you kept wanting cuddles even though I said we'd cuddle later so I put you in time out for shouting at Mumma and not listening to me, Dadda is always busy with work so sometimes when you are naughty Dadda says you should be like Paigey because he is tired and Paigey is just jealous that you are Mumma's little man and she doesn't get all of Mumma's attention."

"Me sorry me not good Mamma me sorry me not Paigey me sorry me no good as Paigey me sorry me kept asking for uppy's me sorry me bad."

"Oh dude you're not bad and Mumma doesn't want you to be like Paigey cause you're your own special self okay."

"Yeah Mamma." Ryder smiled.

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