Chapter 17

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Demi POV:

I moved all our stuff into our new house the other day and Gia is starting her new school after half term but she is not happy... actually that's an understatement.

"Why couldn't I have stayed with Auntie Amber or Auntie Dally!" She whined.

"We've been through this before Gia, they have their own lives, new country, new school, new start."

"I don't want a new start!"

"Believe me kiddo you need one."

"Oh shut up Demi!"

"Gianna." I warned.

"But your name is Demi." She pouted.

"Not to you it's not."

"Whatever." I hold out some boxes.

"Stop with the sass and go unpack your things." She sighed and stomped off upstairs. God she is such a nightmare sometimes.

Lexy POV:

Since my talk with Sam she has been a lot clingier than usual. I am now trying to leave for work.

"Mumma I wanna come!" She whines clinging onto my leg.

"Sammy honey I have to shoot six scenes I won't be gone that long." I sigh.

"I don't want you to go!"

"Honey you have Daddy and Paigey and Rydie, I'll be back before you know it."

"No Mumma!" I see Ryder come down the stairs followed by a sleepy Paige.

"Sammy let go of my leg please, this isn't helping and you'll work Ryder up." Ryder had got better at me leaving him but right on cue he joined in too.

"J a little help please." I call to my husband. He comes out and laughs for a second before pulling Ryder off of one of my legs and trying to calm him down.

"Sammy baby the quicker Mumma leaves the sooner she comes back." He tried.

"Me want Mumma." She yells I bend down to her height and take her hand.

"Let's go somewhere quiet and we can talk and then Mumma can go to work." Sam followed me into one of our many rooms and I shut the door. I sit on the floor and have Sam face me but I keep the contact by holding her hands.

"Baby why do you not want Mumma to leave? You've never had a problem with me leaving you before." She shrugs.

"Need you Mumma."

"I know honey but why have you just suddenly started not liking me leaving you?"

"I don't know. Please don't hate me."

"Oh baby girl I don't hate you I'm just trying to figure out why so I can help you."

"I guess I feel safe with you."

"And you are but you're also safe with Daddy."

"I know but when I'm scared he yells at me."

"He does?"

"Yeah like when the cats attack me."

"Honey we don't have cats." Something was not right here Josh has a placid temper and he rarely yells.

"We do and they're mean cats."

"So what does Daddy say when you're scared?"

"To stop being silly and grow up."

All Grown Up (Sequal to My Hero Demi)Where stories live. Discover now