Chapter 3

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Lexy POV:

"Yes I would love to adopt Sammy if of course Mia lets us go through with the whole adoption ." I smiled as I got in the car. Josh has just made me the happiest person in the world right now and I turn 20 in a two weeks so as soon as my birthday is over with I can adopt her.

"I knew you would..." Josh gave me a quick kiss before starting up the car. Almost the instant we pulled away in the car my phone rang.

"Hey Mum you're on loudspeaker, how was work?"

"Yeah it was good baby girl I finished Shiver and Max is taking me home now, how'd it go up the school."

"Suspended for three weeks starting today but the head teacher is really strict so after she showed us out I went back in and asked to speak to Gia's dance teacher who told me G was provoaked and went to leave the classroom several times before the incident and when she did leave the class the teacher went and spoke to the culprates which is when the incident happened but the headteacher was having none of it she wouldn't even let me speak to Miss Whitney Gia's teacher which is why I went back in."

"well at least she didn't start the fight this time I supose... Hey we're having a barbaque tonight, Josh do you want to bring Sammy and you're Mum?"

"Nanny Demi?" Sammy questioned. She had just woken up.

"Yeah it's me princess." Mum replied before re-asking Josh the question.

"So do you want to bring Sammy and your Mum and whoever else lives with you? I would like to finally meet your family properly."

"Sure I know Sammy would love to come and so would I, I think I can persuade my Mum to come, thank you for the invite."

"No problem you're part of the family now."

"Mum who exactly is coming?" I asked.

" Dallas,Maddie,Mum,Dad and Amber."

"So it's a family affair then?"

"Yeah pretty much."

"Cool well we'll go ask Karen now and then come straight over."

"Okay baby girl see you soon."

"Yeah bye Mum."

Demi POV:

Twenty five minutes later I heard the sound of the front door click.

"Hi Mum."

"Hey darlin I'm in the kitchen." Someone must have stopped carrying Sammy cause within seconds she was by my side.

"Hey Princess how ya doin'?"

"Okay...Nanny Demi what does adotpion mean?" I was confused for a minute and wondered why a four year old would be asking about adoption, I guess it didn't help that it took me a few minutes to figure out she meant adoption not adotpion bless her.

"well it means somebody you wasn't family with origionally becomes your family, why'd you ask that princess?"

"Like having a new sister?"

"Yeah or a new Mummy or Daddy in some cases."

"I heard  Lex Lex say she wants to adotpion me, does that mean I'll get a new Mummy?"

"Haha adopt sweetie Lex wants to adopt you and yes so Lexy will be your new Mummy as long as your origional Mummy agrees." I smiled. Now I know why she'd asked.

"Does that mean you really will be my Nanny?"

"Haha yes babe it does... where is Lex anyway?"

"Right here Mum." Lexy replied walking hand in hand with Josh into the Kitchen.

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