Chapter 8

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  • Dedicated to My Grandad Cecil James Bush who sadly died in 2009

Lexy POV:

Josh took me to get a pregnancy test. We got home and Josh took Sammy to go play so I could do the test. A few minutes later I walked down the stairs tears running down my face. I lost my fucking vaginity to someone who I didn't love. Through rape. I wanted to loose my vaginity with Josh. I could never do that now.

I went out into the garden. Josh looked up and came over. "So?" I took a deep breath and nodded.

"I'm pregnant Josh. I took both tests both positive."

"Babe don't cry okay I'll support you through everything. I'm not like that loser I'm not gunna chuck you when things get hard. I'll always be here. I need you and so does Sam."

"Thanks." I sniffed.

"I gotta tell Mum."

"want me to come?"

"Nah I'll be okay thanks for the offer though J"

Demi POV:

I was in the studio recording when my eldest daughter walked in. She signalled that she wanted to talk.

"Guys can we break?" I asked from inside the booth. The producer people nodded and I ran out the booth and straight over to Lexy.

"Baby girl what's up?" I asked concerned as I spotted her mascara running down her face.

"I...I...I'm...Preg..." She couldn't even finish her sentence.

"Oh babe come here." I wrapped her up in my arms and started humming my song What To Do, hoping to calm her.

"I'm booking you in for a scan and taking the rest of the day off okay?"

"Mum you don't have to."

"Oh yes I do Lexy."

"Well can we at least go pick up Josh and Sam?"

"Yes oh and I'm driving."

"Fine." I took the keys after booking in a scan and went to pick up Josh and Sam.

*At the hospital.*

"Alexa Lovato?" The nurse called.

"Ready baby?"

"Yep." Lexy grasped for my hand and took Josh's hand with her other hand. Sam just followed behind in confusion.

"If you can just lay on the bed Alexa and pull up your top we'll put some cold jel on your stomach and check on baby." The nurse told my daughter. I allowed Josh to hold her hand whilst I stood at the end of the bed with Sammy in my arms. The jel went on and a then the scanning device then a picture appeared on the screen.

"There's babys head and... hang on a minute let me just go and get one of the other doctors." The nurse went out of the room.

"Mum what's wrong? What's wrong with my baby?" Lexy was panicked now.

"I'm sure there's nothing wrong honey." I tried to reassure. The nurse entered with a doctor.

"I'm sorry I'm new at this."

"It's fine." Josh answered. The doctor moved the scanner thing round a bit and nodded.

"You were correct nurse." He confirmed before turning to Lexy.

"It seems you're having twins Miss Lovato." He smiled. Sammy stared up at me.

"Mumma's having a baby?"

"No darling Mumma is having two babies."

"Oh no not two Mumma send one back." Lexy, the nurse and I laughed at how cute Sammy was.

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