Chapter 12

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Josh POV:

I swear i could see Lexy getting more frustrated by the second.

"JUST FUCKING TELL ME WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH MY DAUGHTER!" She ended up yelling in frustration.

"Miss Lovato please calm down."

"DON'T TELL ME TO FUCKING CALM DOWN JUST TELL ME WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG!" Other people who had young children were staring in dsgust now.

"Why don't you come through to my office." I had not been able to find someone to look after the twins so I had to bring them and as usual Ryder wanted his Mum.

"Mamma." He tugged at her trousers.

"Ryder stop." I asked almost begging him to behave.

"Mamma." Ryder tried again this time Lexy responded.

"Not now Rydie."

"MAMMA!" Lexy turned to face Ryder.

"Not Now!" she said. There was a warning tone in her voice but Ryder didn't listen.


"Not Now Ryder! Now Behave!" she shouted before breaking down and there was nothing I could do to calm her as we sat in the doctors office.

"Lex it's okay babe..." Maddy who I guessed was a work collegue let Lexy rest her head on her shoulder.

" why Mummy sad? Mummy don't be sad Paigey make it better." Paige toddled up to her Mum. Lexy sat up but Maddy took control of the situation.

"Sweetie why don't you and your brother come outside with me? we can get some sweets and come back and wait for Mummy... that sound good?"

"Go on Paigey baby." I nodded. As they left the doctor came into the room.

"have you noticed anything change in Samantha's behaviour or diet."

"Errm her diet has always been very healthy and she has been eating normally but since yesterday she's complained about feeling sick, i thought it was just a bug but then I took her to work because we were going out after and now we're here."

"And her behaviour?"

"She's fairly placid I noticed her behaviour change when she was about seven years old but i just thought that was her growing up a bit and not wanting to be the centre of attention all the time."

"well seen as she's had asthma attack that could explain her behavior change, I am worried however that she might become anorexic if she continues to eat too healthily but I think she might just need some more of Mum's attention  I also think she is very good at hiding how she feels... what I am trying to say is that Samantha might have had an anxiety attack which she managed to hide from you but mixed with undiagnosed asthma and her previous medical problems that were discussed last time, you end up in a situation like this, I am prescribing a blue inhaler which will help her breathing should she start to have troubles and a good talking to about keeping things from her parents... I'll take you both back through to her now."

Oh my goodness poor Sammy having to go through all that alone. Why didn't she come to us?

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