Chapter 7- After

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The day after the party mum and I staying home watching the latest castle episodes.
It was so funny to think that in a small amount of time I will be watching myself in this show.

We spent the entire day watching tv and talking. It is amazing how close mum and I have become in a small amount of time.

The next day mum took me to Disneyland. It was so much fun. My favourite ride was the Space Mountain. I loved all the rides. It was so much better than anything I had been to before. I loved it so much.

After such a fun day we went home to relax. Nathan called and asked if tomorrow we would like to explore the city as I was new and hadn't seen it all. We agreed.

We spent the next day acting like tourists going all over the city. I thought it was an amazing city. It had some amazing views and places. It was so different to anything I had ever seen in New Zealand, it was so much better.

The following day I decided to let mum and Nathan spend time together so I went out. I went to the most famous landmarks in the city. After that I had lunch and then spent the afternoon shopping. When I got home I was so tired I had dinner then went straight to sleep.

The day after that Molly, Tam, Mum and I had a girls day by shopping and having a makeover. It was really fun even though I don't normally do things like that. It was great being able to spend time with them as they were great friends.

The next day Nathan came over and asked if he could take me to the zoo. The two of us looked at all the different animals. I love all animals. After we had lunch we went on another walk to see a few things again when Nathan asked what would I say about him and my mum getting married, even though I haven't known them very long it was really nice of Nathan to ask me. I told him I would love it as they make the perfect pair and I already consider him as part of our family. We went to a jeweller to buy a ring, he found such a perfect one that would suit mum so much. He also brought me a charm bracelet that had a heart, book, a paw print and a T on it. I can get more charms for it of I wanted to. We both went home really happy, he stayed for dinner before leaving and going to his house.

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