Chapter 8-The next day

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I woke up in the morning to mum calling me for breakfast. She had made pancakes and served them with ice cream, which is the best way to have them.

Mum asked me if I wanted to decorate my room. I said that would be great.

So after breakfast we went out to buy some things to decorate my room with. We brought some new furniture, some posters and I got some books as I love to read.

When we got home we moved all my stuff into my room and mum said she had a surprise for me and walked to her room, She came back with a new laptop for me. I loved how I got all this new stuff. Mum left to finish setting up so I put up all my posters and sorted the room out so it was just as I wanted it to be.

Later in the afternoon Nathan came over. He said he really liked my room and it had lots of my personality in it.

He went to the kitchen to help mum make dinner. I just finished setting up my laptop and everything on it when I got a Skype call from Isabella.

We we catching up and just talking when we heard a scream. I told Isabella I would be back soon as I had to find out what the scream was. When I got to the kitchen I saw that Nathan had just proposed and mum screamed because of it, she did say yes. I said congrats and went back to my room.

Isabella asked what it was and I told her it has to stay a secret for now I think but my mum and Nathan Fillion just got engaged. She was shocked as she didn't know they were together. I told her part of the relationship and some of the cute moments I had seen. Mum and Nathan walked in and said hi to Isabella. The four of is sat round talking for a while until she had to go.

We had dinner and afterwards mum said that they would start telling people soon. Nathan suggested that we tell their family tonight and invite Andrew over tomorrow to tell him.

We told all the family members and they were all so happy for them. We told them that we would see them soon.

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